By: King of Parker, Fallon, Flynn H.B. No. 2123
        (Senate Sponsor - Perry)
         (In the Senate - Received from the House May 11, 2015;
  May 12, 2015, read first time and referred to Committee on State
  Affairs; May 22, 2015, reported favorably by the following vote:  
  Yeas 6, Nays 0; May 22, 2015, sent to printer.)
Click here to see the committee vote
  relating to participation of the state military forces in the state
  group benefits program.
         SECTION 1.  Section 437.212, Government Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (f) and (g) and adding Subsections (g-1),
  (g-2), and (g-3) to read as follows:
         (f)  A member of the state military forces [volunteer in the
  Texas State Guard] who is not a full-time or part-time state
  employee and who has been on state active duty or on state training
  or other duty for more than 60 [90] days is, notwithstanding Section
  1551.1055, Insurance Code, eligible to participate in the state
  group benefits program under Chapter 1551, Insurance Code, to
  purchase health or dental insurance coverage, subject to the
  following requirements:
               (1)  the participant must be a member of the state
  military forces [Texas State Guard] at the time of enrollment in the
  group benefits program;
               (2)  the participant must pay the full cost of health or
  dental insurance coverage under the group benefits program [and may
  not receive a state contribution for premiums]; and
               (3)  an application under this subsection for group
  benefit health or dental insurance coverage must be submitted in
  accordance with procedures established by the Employees Retirement
  System of Texas.
         (g)  The adjutant general and the Employees Retirement
  System of Texas shall coordinate and consult to implement the
  benefits program provided by Subsection (f) and shall adopt a
  memorandum of understanding to establish:
               (1)  the procedures that a member of the state military
  forces [Texas State Guard] may use to elect to participate in the
  state group benefits program; and
               (2)  an appropriate method to annually confirm
  continuing eligibility to participate in the group benefits
         (g-1)  A member of the state military forces described by
  Subsection (f) is eligible to receive a stipend to be paid by the
  department in an amount to be determined by the department under
  Subsection (g-3) for each month following the 60th day that the
               (1)  is on state active duty or on state training or
  other duty; and
               (2)  subject to verification by the adjutant general as
  provided by Section 437.2121, pays the full cost of health or dental
  insurance coverage under:
                     (A)  the state group benefits program;
                     (B)  a government-funded health or dental
  insurance plan; or
                     (C)  a private or nongovernmental health or dental
  insurance plan for which the member is required to pay premiums.
         (g-2)  A member of the state military forces who is eligible
  to receive a stipend under Subsection (g-1) must notify the
  adjutant general of the member's health or dental insurance
  coverage by submitting the authorization form specified by Section
  437.2121. The adjutant general may adopt rules to implement and
  administer this subsection, including rules that prescribe the
  procedure a member must follow to submit an executed authorization
  form and the amount of time a member has to submit the authorization
  form. The comptroller may consult with the adjutant general to
  adopt rules governing the manner in which an eligible member may
  receive a stipend.
         (g-3)  A stipend paid to a member of the Texas National Guard
  may not exceed the amount of the member's TRICARE premium or an
  amount equal to that premium to be applied toward the member's
  private or nongovernmental insurance plan. A stipend paid to a
  member of the Texas State Guard or other member of a military force
  organized under state law may not exceed the amount of the member's
  health or dental insurance plan premium determined by the premium
  amount associated with the state group benefits program or an
  amount equal to that premium to be applied toward the member's
  private or nongovernmental insurance plan. 
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter E, Chapter 437, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 437.2121 to read as follows:
  HEALTH INFORMATION. (a) A member of the state military forces who
  meets the eligibility requirements under Section 437.212(g-1) may
  not receive a stipend under that section unless the member submits
  to the adjutant general the authorization form specified by this
  section. The adjutant general must verify that the member has paid
  the full cost of the member's health or dental insurance coverage
  before the department may issue a stipend to the member.
         (b)  The authorization form specified by this section may not
  be altered or modified. A member who alters or modifies the
  authorization form, or who revokes an executed authorization, may
  not receive a stipend to which the member may otherwise be eligible
  until 60 days following receipt by the adjutant general of a newly
  executed authorization form.
         (c)  The authorization form required by this section shall be
  in the following form and shall be construed in accordance with the
  Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health
  Information (45 C.F.R. Parts 160 and 164):
         A.  I, ___________ (name of state military forces member or
  authorized representative), hereby authorize __________ (name of
  health or dental insurance coverage provider to whom the
  authorization form is directed) to obtain and disclose (within the
  parameters set out below) the protected health information
  described below for the purpose of verifying that __________ (name
  of state military forces member), as a member of the state military
  forces called to state active duty or on state training or other
  duty for more than 60 days, is eligible for a stipend as provided by
  Section 437.212, Government Code.
         B.  The health information to be obtained, used, or disclosed
  extends to and includes the verbal as well as the written and is
  specifically described as all records documenting payment of health
  or dental insurance coverage premiums by __________ (name of state
  military forces member), including information related to the
  eligibility for coverage, dates of coverage, billing, payments
  received, and termination of coverage.
         C.  The persons or class of persons to whom the health
  information of __________ (state military forces member) will be
  disclosed or who will make use of said information are:
               1.  The adjutant general of the state military forces;
               2.  Any agent, contractor, or staff of the state
  military forces, including secretarial, clerical, accounting,
  information technology, or administrative staff, designated by the
  adjutant general to assist with the determination of eligibility
  for a stipend or the processing or issuing of stipends;
               3.  The comptroller;
               4.  Any agent, contractor, or staff of the comptroller
  designated by the comptroller to assist with the determination of
  eligibility for a stipend or the processing or issuing of stipends.
         D.  This authorization shall expire on the discharge of the
  member from the state military forces.
         E.  I understand that, without exception, I have the right to
  revoke this authorization by providing written notice to a person
  or class of persons designated by the adjutant general. I further
  understand the consequence of any such revocation as set out in
  Section 437.2121, Government Code.
         F.  I understand that the signing of this authorization is
  not a condition for continued treatment, payment, enrollment, or
  eligibility for health plan benefits.
         G.  I understand that information used or disclosed under
  this authorization may be subject to redisclosure by the recipient
  and may no longer be protected by federal HIPAA privacy
         Signature of state military forces member/representative
         Name of state military forces member/representative
         Description of representative's authority
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2016.
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