By: Zerwas H.B. No. 2641
  relating to the exchange of electronic health information in this
         SECTION 1.  Section 531.0162, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subsections (e) and (f) to read as follows:
         (e)  The executive commissioner shall ensure that:
               (1)  all information systems available for use by the
  commission or a health and human services agency in sending
  protected health information to a health care provider or receiving
  protected health information from a health care provider, and for
  which planning or procurement begins on or after September 1, 2015,
  are capable of sending or receiving that information in accordance
  with the applicable data exchange standards developed by the
  appropriate standards development organization accredited by the
  American National Standards Institute;
               (2)  if national data exchange standards do not exist
  for a system described by Subdivision (1), the commission makes
  every effort to ensure the system is interoperable with the
  national standards for electronic health record systems; and
               (3)  the commission and each health and human services
  agency establish an interoperability standards plan for all
  information systems that exchange protected health information
  with health care providers.
         (f)  Not later than December 1 of each even-numbered year,
  the executive commissioner shall report to the governor and the
  Legislative Budget Board on the commission's and the health and
  human services agencies' progress in ensuring that the information
  systems described in Subsection (e) are interoperable with one
  another and meet the appropriate standards specified by that
         SECTION 2.  Section 81.044(a), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The board shall prescribe the form and method of
  reporting under this chapter, which may be in writing, by
  telephone, by electronic data transmission, through a health
  information exchange as defined by Section 182.151 if requested and
  authorized by the person required to report, or by other means.
         SECTION 3.  Section 82.008(a), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  To ensure an accurate and continuing source of data
  concerning cancer, each health care facility, clinical laboratory,
  and health care practitioner shall furnish to the department [board
  or its representative], on request, data the board considers
  necessary and appropriate that is derived from each medical record
  pertaining to a case of cancer that is in the custody or under the
  control of the health care facility, clinical laboratory, or health
  care practitioner. The department may not request data that is more
  than three years old unless the department is investigating a
  possible cancer cluster.  At the request and with the authorization
  of the applicable health care facility, clinical laboratory, or
  health care practitioner, data may be furnished to the department
  through a health information exchange as defined by Section
         SECTION 4.  Section 161.007(d), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (d)  A health care provider who administers an immunization
  to an individual younger than 18 years of age shall provide data
  elements regarding an immunization to the department. A health care
  provider who administers an immunization to an individual 18 years
  of age or older may submit data elements regarding an immunization
  to the department.  At the request and with the authorization of the
  health care provider, the data elements may be provided through a
  health information exchange as defined by Section 182.151. The data
  elements shall be submitted in a format prescribed by the
  department. The department shall verify consent before including
  the information in the immunization registry. The department may
  not retain individually identifiable information about an
  individual for whom consent cannot be verified.
         SECTION 5.  Section 161.00705(a), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The department shall maintain a registry of persons who
  receive an immunization, antiviral, and other medication
  administered to prepare for a potential disaster, public health
  emergency, terrorist attack, hostile military or paramilitary
  action, or extraordinary law enforcement emergency or in response
  to a declared disaster, public health emergency, terrorist attack,
  hostile military or paramilitary action, or extraordinary law
  enforcement emergency. A health care provider who administers an
  immunization, antiviral, or other medication shall provide the data
  elements to the department.  At the request and with the
  authorization of the health care provider, the data elements may be
  provided through a health information exchange as defined by
  Section 182.151.
         SECTION 6.  Section 161.00706(b), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A health care provider, on receipt of a request under
  Subsection (a)(1), shall submit the data elements to the department
  in a format prescribed by the department.  At the request and with
  the authorization of the health care provider, the data elements
  may be submitted through a health information exchange as defined
  by Section 182.151.  The department shall verify the person's
  request before including the information in the immunization
         SECTION 7.  Chapter 182, Health and Safety Code, is amended
  by adding Subchapter D to read as follows:
         Sec. 182.151.  DEFINITION.  In this subchapter, "health
  information exchange" means an organization that:
               (1)  assists in the transmission or receipt of
  health-related information among organizations transmitting or
  receiving the information according to nationally recognized
  standards and under an express written agreement with the
               (2)  as a primary business function, compiles or
  organizes health-related information designed to be securely
  transmitted by the organization among physicians, other health care
  providers, or entities within a region, state, community, or
  hospital system; or
               (3)  assists in the transmission or receipt of
  electronic health-related information among physicians, other
  health care providers, or entities within:
                     (A)  a hospital system;
                     (B)  a physician organization;
                     (C)  a health care collaborative, as defined by
  Section 848.001, Insurance Code;
                     (D)  a Pioneer Model accountable care
  organization established under the initiative by the Centers for
  Medicare and Medicaid Services Innovation Center; or
                     (E)  an accountable care organization
  participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program under 42
  U.S.C. Section 1395jjj.
  (a) Notwithstanding Sections 81.046, 82.009, and 161.0073, a
  health information exchange may access and transmit health-related
  information under Sections 81.044(a), 82.008(a), 161.007(d),
  161.00705(a), and 161.00706(b) if the access or transmittal is:
               (1)  made for the purpose of assisting in the reporting
  of health-related information to the appropriate agency;
               (2)  requested and authorized by the appropriate health
  care provider, practitioner, physician, facility, clinical
  laboratory, or other person who is required to report
  health-related information; and
               (3)  made in accordance with the requirements of this
  subchapter and all other state and federal law.
         (b)  A health information exchange may only use and disclose
  the information that it accesses or transmits under Subsection (a)
  in compliance with this subchapter and all applicable state and
  federal law, and may not exchange, sell, trade, or otherwise make
  any prohibited use or disclosure of the information.
         Sec. 182.153.  COMPLIANCE WITH LAW; SECURITY.  A health
  information exchange that collects, transmits, disseminates,
  accesses, or reports health-related information under this
  subchapter shall comply with all applicable state and federal law,
  including secure electronic data submission requirements.
         SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2015.