84R8048 SCL-F
  By: Zerwas H.B. No. 2959
  relating to Medicaid interception of certain insurance payments.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle C, Title 2, Human Resources Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 37 to read as follows:
         Sec. 37.001.  SHORT TITLE. This chapter may be cited as the
  Medicaid Interception of Insurance Payments Act.
         Sec. 37.002.  PURPOSE. The purpose of this chapter is to
  regulate the recovery of money paid by the Health and Human Services
  Commission under the Medicaid program.
         Sec. 37.003.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Claimant" means an insured under an insurance
  policy or self-funded plan or a third-party claimant under a policy
  or plan seeking benefits for injuries received as a result of an
  accident or loss. The term includes an insured's or third party's
  legal representative, family member, or any other individual acting
  on the insured's or third party's behalf.
               (2)  "Commission" means the Health and Human Services
               (3)  "Insurer" means an insurance company holding a
  certificate of authority to engage in the business of insurance in
  this state.
               (4)  "Self-funded plan" means a plan that an entity
  self-insures for the entity's legal responsibility without the
  benefit of primary insurance through the use of a self-insured
               (5)  "Self-insurer" means an entity insured under a
  self-funded plan. The term includes any entity that is directing
  the handling of self-funded plan claims through a third party or as
  a result of a policy buyback, cost-sharing agreement, or
  coverage-in-place agreement.
         Sec. 37.004.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. (a)  This chapter
  applies only to personal injury protection, medical payments
  coverage, and third-party payments for bodily injury from liability
  insurance and self-funded plans that insure similar liabilities.
  This chapter does not apply to:
               (1)  a claim under a liability insurance policy that
  does not cover bodily injury;
               (2)  a claim for property damage or loss of use of
               (3)  a claim made against an accident and health policy
  regardless of whether the policy is payable on an expense-incurred
  or indemnity basis; and
               (4)  a workers' compensation claim.
         (b)  This chapter does not apply to a claimant seeking less
  than $2,000 under an insurance policy or self-funded plan or a
  Medicaid recipient with respect to whom this state has incurred
  less than $2,000 of Medicaid costs in connection with an injury
  resulting from an accident or loss.
         Sec. 37.005.  EFFECT ON OTHER LAW. This chapter does not
  limit the commission from recovering any other money allowed under
  the laws of this state and federal law.
         Sec. 37.006.  RULEMAKING AUTHORITY. The executive
  commissioner of the commission may adopt rules as necessary to
  implement this chapter.
         Sec. 37.051.  AUTOMATIC ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS. In accordance
  with the laws of this state and applicable rules, when applying for
  Medicaid, an applicant or recipient assigns the applicant's or
  recipient's rights to any payments under applicable insurance
  coverage to the commission. 
         Sec. 37.052.  MATCH PROCESS. (a) This section applies only
  to an individual or estate making a bodily injury or wrongful death
  claim under an insurance policy or self-funded plan.
         (b)  At any time before providing a total payment of at least
  $2,000 on behalf of or to a claimant on a claim under an insurance
  policy or self-funded plan, the insurer or self-insurer shall
  exchange information with the commission in accordance with this
         (c)  To facilitate compliance with this chapter, the
  commission shall develop and maintain a data match system to
  compare claimant information held by insurers and self-insurers
  with the commission's database of recipients. The commission shall
  seek the comment of insurers and self-insurers in this state in
  developing the data match system.  The data match system must use
  automated data exchanges to the maximum extent possible.
         (d)  An insurer or self-insurer shall provide the commission
  with the name and address of an individual or estate determined by
  the commission to be a recipient and may provide the recipient's
  date of birth and last four digits of the recipient's social
  security number.
         (e)  An insurer or self-insurer may provide the information
  described by Subsection (d) by:
               (1)  authorizing an insurance claim data collection
  organization, to which the insurer or self-insurer subscribes and
  to which the insurer or self-insurer submits the required claim
  data on at least a weekly basis, to:
                     (A)  receive or access a data file from the
  commission and conduct a data match to identify all recipients who
  are claimants under an insurance policy or self-funded plan and
  submit the required information for each data match to the
  commission; or
                     (B)  submit a data file to the commission that
  contains the required information for each claim against the
  insurer or self-insurer for the commission to conduct a data match;
               (2)  electronically providing the required information
  for each claim against the insurer or self-insurer directly to the
  commission; or
               (3)  receiving or accessing a data file from the
  commission and conducting a data match to identify each recipient
  who is a claimant under an insurance policy or self-funded plan and
  submitting the required information for each data match to the
         (f)  On receiving a data match under this section, the
  commission shall send the insurer or self-insurer a notice of lien
  against the amount payable to the recipient. The notice must
  include the amount of the lien and the name of the recipient who is
  the subject of the lien.
         (g)  An insurer or self-insurer may comply with this section
  by making a good faith effort to comply. The commission may only
  demonstrate a violation of this section by proving an intentional
  failure to comply through a pattern and practice of noncompliance.
  The commission may not demonstrate a violation through a single
  instance of noncompliance.
         Sec. 37.053.  PAYMENT PROCESS. (a) Subject to this section,
  on receipt of a notice of lien under Section 37.052, an insurer or
  self-insurer shall withhold the lesser of the amount of the payment
  owed to a claimant under an insurance policy or self-funded plan or
  the amount described by the notice of lien and shall remit that
  amount to the commission.
         (b)  A lien under this subchapter encumbers the right of the
  claimant to payment under the insurance policy or self-funded plan,
  and the insurer or self-insurer shall disburse to the claimant only
  the portion of the payment remaining after the satisfaction of the
         (c)  A lien under this subchapter is inferior to any other
  lien or claim for attorney's fees.
         (d)  If a recipient believes that the payment of the lien
  exceeds the amount incurred by this state under the Medicaid
  program on behalf of the recipient and notifies the insurer or
  self-insurer that the recipient intends to file an administrative
  appeal, the insurer or self-insurer may issue a single check made
  payable to the recipient and the commission. The insurer or
  self-insurer may notify the commission of its intent to issue
  payment as a single check under this subsection.
         (e)  If the notice of lien is received after the insurer or
  self-insurer has issued payment to a claimant, the insurer or
  self-insurer shall notify the commission of the date of payment,
  the amount of payment, and the name and address of the claimant.
  The insurer or self-insurer is not obligated to make a payment to
  the commission.
         (f)  An insurer or self-insurer shall pay the commission
  under this section not later than the 30th day after the date of
  notice of lien unless the recipient requests a hearing under
  Section 37.056. If the recipient requests a hearing, the insurer or
  self-insurer shall pay the commission in accordance with the result
  of the hearing not later than the 10th business day after the date a
  decision is rendered.
         (g)  The time for prompt payment of a claim under Chapter
  542, Insurance Code, is tolled from the date the insurer receives
  notice of lien under this chapter to the date payment is required to
  be made under Subsection (f).
         Sec. 37.054.  DATA CONFIDENTIALITY. (a) The information
  obtained by the commission from an insurer or self-insurer under
  this chapter may only be used for the purposes of this chapter.
         (b)  An insurer or self-insurer, including the insurer's or
  self-insurer's directors, agents, or employees, and an insurance
  claim data collection organization, including the organization's
  agents and employees authorized by the insurer or self-insurer to
  act on the insurer's or self-insurer's behalf, shall keep
  information concerning a recipient described by this chapter secure
  and confidential.
         Sec. 37.055.  NOTICE OF INTERCEPTION. The commission shall
  provide written notice to the claimant and claimant's attorney, if
  applicable, that includes the date of the notice, the name of the
  recipient, the last four digits of the social security number of the
  recipient, the case number, the intercepted amount, the reason for
  the interception, and notification of an opportunity to request a
         Sec. 37.056.  REQUEST FOR HEARING. Not later than the 30th
  day after the date of the notice under Section 37.055, a claimant or
  recipient who has a claim intercepted under this chapter may
  request a hearing from the State Office of Administrative Hearings. 
         Sec. 37.057.  LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. (a) An insurer or
  self-insurer, including the insurer's or self-insurer's directors,
  agents, or employees, or an insurance claim data collection
  organization, including the organization's agents and employees
  authorized by the insurer or self-insurer to act on the insurer's or
  self-insurer's behalf, that provides or attempts to provide
  information under this chapter is not liable for damages that occur
  as a result of providing or attempting to provide data under this
  chapter. This chapter does not create civil liability for an
  insurer or self-insurer.
         (b)  An insurer or self-insurer, including the insurer's or
  self-insurer's directors, agents, or employees, or any insurance
  claim data collection organization, including the organization's
  agents and employees authorized by the insurer or self-insurer to
  act on the insurer's or self-insurer's behalf, is not liable for
  damages that occur as a result of making a payment to the commission
  under this chapter.
         (c)  A person against whom any action is brought who is found
  to be immune from liability under this section is entitled to
  recover reasonable attorney's fees and costs from the person who
  brought the action. This section does not abrogate or modify in any
  way any common law or statutory privilege or immunity otherwise
  enjoyed by any person.
         Sec. 37.058.  STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS. A person must bring an
  action to pursue the recovery of money paid to the commission under
  this chapter not later than two years after the date of the accident
  or loss causing the injury that is the basis for the payment to the
  commission. This chapter may not be construed to lengthen any
  limitations under an insurance policy or self-funded plan.
         SECTION 2.  The change in law made by this Act applies only
  to a claim made under an insurance policy or self-funded plan on or
  after the effective date of this Act. A claim made before the
  effective date of this Act is governed by the law applicable to the
  claim immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that
  law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2015.