84R4581 JXC-F
  By: Schaefer H.B. No. 3172
  relating to emergency orders concerning water rights issued by the
  Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
         SECTION 1.  Section 11.053, Water Code, is amended to read as
  For the purposes of this section: 
               (1)  "Drought" means a period classified as a "severe
  drought" or "D2" by the National Drought Mitigation Center in
  accordance with the center's Drought Severity Classification
               (2)  "Emergency shortage of water" means a condition
  under which a senior water right holder is unable to obtain surface
  water when there is:
                     (A)  an emergency period that poses a hazard to
  public health or safety; or
                     (B)  a condition affecting hydraulic systems that
  impairs or interferes with conveyance or delivery of water for
  authorized users.
         (b)  During a period of drought or when there is an [other]
  emergency shortage of water, [as defined by commission rule,] the
  executive director by order may, in accordance with the priority of
  water rights established by Section 11.027:
               (1)  temporarily suspend the right of any person who
  holds a water right to use the water; and
               (2)  temporarily adjust the diversions of water by
  water rights holders.
         (c)  During a period of drought, the executive director may
  not issue an order under this section unless the commission has
  determined that each county in the basin of the river that would be
  subject to the order has been in a drought for at least 30
  consecutive days before the date the order is issued. If the period
  of suspension or adjustment in the order is longer than six months,
  the commission shall review the determination made for the order at
  least once every six months to determine whether the drought in the
  river basin is still severe.
         (d)  When there is an emergency shortage of water, the
  executive director may not issue an order under this section unless
  each senior water right holder that would benefit from the order
  demonstrates to the executive director that the holder: 
               (1)  has used reasonable intelligence and reasonable
  diligence to conserve water;
               (2)  requires surface water for a beneficial use; and
               (3)  is unable to obtain sufficient surface water for
  the beneficial use using the right.
         (e)[(b)] The executive director in ordering a suspension or
  adjustment under this section shall ensure that an action taken:
               (1)  maximizes the beneficial use of water;
               (2)  minimizes the impact on water rights holders;
               (3)  prevents the waste of water;
               (4)  takes into consideration the efforts of the
  affected water rights holders to develop and implement the water
  conservation plans and drought contingency plans required by this
               (5)  to the greatest extent practicable, conforms to
  the order of preferences established by Section 11.024; and
               (6)  does not require the release of water that, at the
  time the order is issued, is lawfully stored in a reservoir under
  water rights associated with that reservoir.
         (f)  Except as provided by Subsection (i), the executive
  director shall notify the water rights holders who may be affected
  by an order proposed to be issued under this section of the proposed
  order not later than the 30th day before the date the proposed order
  takes effect.
         (g)  Not later than the 14th day after the date a person
  receives the notice, the person may request that the commission
  hold a hearing to affirm, modify, or set aside the proposed order.
         (h)  If the commission receives a request under Subsection
  (g), the commission shall hold a hearing on the proposed order
  before the date the proposed order takes effect. At or following the
  hearing, but not later than the date the proposed order takes
  effect, the commission shall affirm, modify, or set aside the
  proposed order.
         (i)  The executive director may issue an order under this
  section without first providing notice or a hearing if the order is
  issued to respond to a sudden and unexpected emergency. The order
  shall set a time and place for a hearing before the commission to
  affirm, modify, or set aside the order. The date of the hearing must
  be as soon as practicable after the date the order is issued, but
  not later than the 45th day after the date the order is issued. The
  executive director shall provide notice of the hearing to holders
  of water rights suspended by the order not later than the 10th day
  before the date of the hearing. 
         (j)[(c)] The commission shall adopt rules to implement this
  section, including rules[:
               [(1)     defining a drought or other emergency shortage of
  water for purposes of this section; and
               [(2)]  specifying the:
               (1)[(A)]  conditions under which the executive
  director may issue an order under this section;
               (2)[(B)] terms of an order issued under this section,
  including the maximum duration of a temporary suspension or
  adjustment under this section; and
               (3)[(C)]  procedures for notice of and[,] an
  opportunity for a hearing on[, and the appeal to the commission of]
  an order issued under this section.
         (k)  An order suspending a water right or adjusting a
  diversion by a water right holder issued under this section does not
  limit the commission's authority to:
               (1)  grant an emergency permit, order, or amendment to
  an existing permit, certified filing, or certificate of
  adjudication to a water right holder under Section 11.139; or
               (2)  suspend a permit condition or make water available
  temporarily under Section 11.148. 
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2015.