relating to instruction in positive character traits in public |
schools. |
SECTION 1. Section 29.906, Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
PROGRAM]. (a) The State Board of Education shall integrate |
positive character traits into the essential knowledge and skills |
adopted for kindergarten through grade 12, as appropriate [A school
district may provide a character education program]. |
(b) The State Board of Education must include the following |
[A character education program under this section must:
[(1) stress] positive character traits [, such as]: |
(1) [(A)] courage; |
(2) [(B)] trustworthiness, including honesty, |
reliability, punctuality, and loyalty; |
(3) [(C)] integrity; |
(4) [(D)] respect and courtesy; |
(5) [(E)] responsibility, including accountability, |
diligence, perseverance, and self-control; |
(6) [(F)] fairness, including justice and freedom |
from prejudice; |
(7) [(G)] caring, including kindness, empathy, |
compassion, consideration, patience, generosity, and charity; |
(8) [(H)] good citizenship, including patriotism, |
concern for the common good and the community, and respect for |
authority and the law; [and] |
(9) [(I)] school pride; and |
(10) gratitude[;
[(2) use integrated teaching strategies; and
[(3) be age appropriate]. |
(c) The State Board of Education shall create a report that |
identifies the manner in which the character traits listed under |
Subsection (b) have been integrated into the curriculum. The board |
shall make the report publicly available on the board's Internet |
website. |
(d) Each school district and open-enrollment charter school |
must adopt a character education program that includes the positive |
character traits listed in Subsection (b). The district or |
open-enrollment charter school shall submit the adopted program to |
the agency annually, in a manner determined by the commissioner. |
(e) In developing or selecting a character education |
program under this section, a school district shall consult with a |
committee selected by the district that consists of: |
(1) parents of district students; |
(2) educators; and |
(3) other members of the community, including |
community leaders. |
(f) [(d)] This section does not require or authorize |
proselytizing or indoctrinating concerning any specific religious |
or political belief. |
(g) [(e)] The agency shall: |
(1) maintain a list of character education programs |
that school districts have implemented that meet the criteria under |
Subsection (b); and |
(2) using the services of a center for education |
research established under Section 1.005, and based on data |
reported by districts, annually designate as a Character Plus |
School each school that provides a character education program |
that: |
(A) meets the criteria prescribed by Subsection |
(b); [and] |
(B) is approved by the committee selected under |
Subsection (e) [(c)]; and |
(C) demonstrates a correlation between the |
character education program adopted by the school, an increase in |
student attendance levels, and a decrease in student disciplinary |
problems [(3) include in the report required under Section 39.332:
based on data reported by districts, the
impact of character education programs on student discipline and
academic achievement; and
other reported data relating to character
education programs the agency considers appropriate for
inclusion]. |
(h) [(f)] The agency may accept money from [federal
government and] private sources to use in assisting school |
districts in implementing character education programs that meet |
the criteria prescribed by Subsection (b). |
(i) The State Board of Education may adopt rules as |
necessary to implement this section. |
SECTION 2. This Act applies beginning with the 2015-2016 |
school year. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2015. |