By: Villalba H.B. No. 3853
  relating to creation of the university research initiative fund,
  the abolishment of the Texas emerging technology fund, and the
  disposition of balances from the Texas emerging technology fund.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle H, Title 3, Education Code, is amended
  by adding Chapter 156 to read as follows:
         Sec. 156.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Coordinating board" means the Texas Higher
  Education Coordinating Board.
               (2)  "Fund" means the university research initiative
  fund established under Subchapter B.
               (3)  "Institution of higher education" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 61.003.
  The university research initiative fund is a dedicated account in
  the general revenue fund.
         (b)  The fund consists of:
               (1)  amounts appropriated or otherwise allocated or
  transferred by law to the fund;
               (2)  any financial benefits realized from
  commercialization of intellectual or other property developed in
  connection with a grant award as provided by an agreement entered
  into under Section 156.053; and
               (3)  gifts, grants, and other donations received for
  the fund.
         (c)  The fund may be used by the coordinating board only for:
               (1)  the purpose specified by Section 156.052; and
               (2)  necessary expenses incurred in the administration
  of the fund and this chapter.
  RENOWNED RESEARCHERS; MATCHING GRANTS.  (a)  The coordinating board
  shall provide grants from the fund to institutions of higher
  education to match available funding from those institutions for
  the recruitment and retention of:
               (1)  members of recognized national academies in the
  fields of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics or other
  nationally recognized researchers in those fields and any
  associated assistants; or
               (2)  researchers who are Nobel laureates in the fields
  of science or mathematics or other internationally recognized
  researchers in the fields described by this subsection or the
  fields of technology or engineering and any associated assistants.
         (b)  In awarding grants, the coordinating board shall give
  priority to proposals that involve the recruiting of researchers in
  fields that are reasonably likely to contribute substantially to
  this state's national and global economic competitiveness.
         (c)  The coordinating board may appoint one or more advisory
  committees to assist the board with the review and evaluation of
  grant proposals under this section.
         Sec. 156.053.  MATCHING GRANT AGREEMENT.  (a)  Before
  awarding a matching grant under this chapter, the coordinating
  board shall enter into a written agreement with the institution of
  higher education selected to receive the grant.
         (b)  The agreement between the coordinating board and a grant
  recipient under this chapter must provide for the distribution of
  royalties, revenue, or other financial benefits realized from the
  commercialization of intellectual or real property developed in
  connection with receipt of a grant under this chapter. To the extent
  authorized by law and not in conflict with another agreement, the
  agreement shall appropriately allocate by assignment, licensing,
  or other means 50 percent of the royalties, revenue, or other
  financial benefits to this state for deposit in the fund.
         (c)  An agreement under this section may include a provision
  specifying that if, as of a date certain provided in the agreement,
  the grant recipient has not used the money received under this
  chapter for the purposes for which the grant was intended, the
  grant recipient shall repay that amount and any related interest
  applicable under the agreement to the coordinating board for
  deposit to the fund at the agreed rate and on the agreed terms.
         Sec. 156.054.  AUTHORIZED EXPENSES. Money awarded from the
  fund may be used by the grant recipient to pay any expense
  reasonably related to the purposes described by Section 156.052(a),
  including for research and research capability, salaries and
  benefits, travel, consumable supplies, and equipment.
         Sec. 156.055.  PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES.  (a)  An institution
  of higher education may not knowingly attempt to recruit a person
  described by Section 156.052(a)(1) or (2) who is an individual
  researcher of another institution of higher education.
         (b)  An institution of higher education that violates this
  section is ineligible to receive a grant under this chapter before
  the third anniversary of the date the institution last engaged in
  conduct prohibited by this section.
  institution of higher education must document specific benefits
  that this state may expect to gain as a result of recruiting
  researchers described by Section 156.052(a)(1) or (2) to the
  institution and enhancing the research capabilities and programs of
  the institution before the institution may enter into an agreement
  to receive a grant under this chapter.
         Sec. 156.057.  ANNUAL REPORT.  (a)  Not later than January 31
  of each year, the coordinating board shall submit to the governor,
  the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of
  representatives, and the standing committee of each house of the
  legislature with primary jurisdiction over economic development
  matters a report that includes the following information regarding
  grants awarded under this chapter during the preceding state fiscal
               (1)  the total number and amount of grants awarded; and
               (2)  the name of each grant recipient and the amount of
  the grant awarded to the recipient.
         (b)  The coordinating board shall post and maintain on the
  coordinating board's Internet website each report submitted under
  this section.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter G, Chapter 404, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 404.1031 to read as follows:
  "state's emerging technology investment portfolio" means:
               (1)  the equity positions in the form of stock or other
  security the governor took, on behalf of the state, in companies
  that received awards under the former Texas emerging technology
  fund; and
               (2)  any other investments made by the governor, on
  behalf of the state, in connection with an award made under the
  former Texas emerging technology fund.
         (b)  The trust company shall manage the state's emerging
  technology investment portfolio in a manner that a prudent
  investor would employ exercising reasonable care, skill, and
  caution, taking into consideration the investment of all assets of
  the portfolio. The trust company may recover its reasonable and
  necessary costs incurred in the management of the portfolio from
  the earnings on the investments in the portfolio.
         (c)  Any proceeds or other earnings from the sale of stock or
  other investments in the state's emerging technology investment
  portfolio, less the amount permitted to be retained for payment of
  its costs for managing the portfolio as provided by Subsection (b),
  shall be remitted by the trust company to the comptroller for
  deposit in the general revenue fund.
         SECTION 3.  Effective September 1, 2016, Subchapter G,
  Chapter 404, Government Code, is amended by adding Section 404.1032
  to read as follows:
  ANNUAL REPORT.  (a)  To the maximum extent practicable, the
  non-profit annually shall perform a valuation of the equity
  positions the governor took, on behalf of the state, in companies
  that received awards under the former Texas emerging technology
  fund and of other investments made by the governor, on behalf of the
  state, in connection with an award under that fund.  The valuation
  must be based on a methodology that is consistent with generally
  accepted accounting principles.
         (b)  Not later than January 31 of each year, the trust
  company shall submit to the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the
  house of representatives, and the standing committee of each house
  of the legislature with primary jurisdiction over economic
  development matters and post on the office of the trust company's
  Internet website a report of any valuation performed under this
  section during the preceding state fiscal year.
         SECTION 4.  Section 481.078, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (m) to read as follows:
         (m)  The office of the governor shall adopt rules for the
  operation of the trusteed program established under this section.
  The rules must include:
               (1)  forms and procedures for applications for and
  award of grants;
               (2)  procedures for evaluating grant applications;
               (3)  provisions governing the grant agreement process;
               (4)  methods and procedures for monitoring grant
  recipients and projects or activities for which a grant is awarded
  from the fund to determine whether and to what extent the grant
  recipients comply with job creation performance targets, capital
  investment commitments, or other specified performance targets in
  the grant agreement.
         SECTION 5.  Subchapter D, Chapter 490, Government Code, is
         SECTION 6.  Section 490.001(4), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
               (4)  "Award" means:
                     (A)  for purposes of former Subchapter D, an
  investment in the form of equity or a convertible note;
                     (B)  for purposes of Subchapter E, an investment
  in the form of a debt instrument;
                     (C)  for purposes of Subchapter F, a grant; or
                     (D)  other forms of contribution or investment as
  recommended by the committee and approved by the governor,
  lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives.
         SECTION 7.  Sections 490.005(a) and (b), Government Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Not later than January 31 of each year, the governor
  shall submit to the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of
  representatives, and the standing committee of each house of the
  legislature with primary jurisdiction over economic development
  matters and post on the office of the governor's Internet website a
  report that includes the following information regarding awards
  made under the fund during each preceding state fiscal year:
               (1)  the total number and amount of awards made;
               (2)  the number and amount of awards made under
  Subchapters [D,] E[,] and F;
               (3)  the aggregate total of private sector investment,
  federal government funding, and contributions from other sources
  obtained in connection with awards made under each of the
  subchapters listed in Subdivision (2);
               (4)  the name of each award recipient and the amount of
  the award made to the recipient; and
               (5)  a brief description of any [the] equity position
  that the governor, on behalf of the state, may take in companies
  receiving awards and the names of the companies in which the state
  has taken an equity position.
         (b)  The annual report must also contain:
               (1)  the total number of jobs actually created by each
  project receiving funding under this chapter;
               (2)  an analysis of the number of jobs actually created
  by each project receiving funding under this chapter; and
               (3)  a brief description regarding[:
                     (A)] the methodology used to determine the
  information provided under Subdivisions (1) and (2), which may be
  developed in consultation with the comptroller's office[;].
                     [(B) the intended outcomes of projects funded
  under Subchapter D during each preceding state fiscal year; and
                     (C)     the actual outcomes of all projects funded
  under Subchapter D during each preceding state fiscal year,
  including any financial impact on the state resulting from a
  liquidity event involving a company whose project was funded under
  that subchapter.]
         SECTION 8.  Subchapter A, Chapter 490, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 490.007 to read as follows:
         All investments in the form of equity or convertible notes
  made by the fund under the former Subchapter D and under Subchapter
  E prior to September 1, 2015 are hereby transferred to the Texas
  Technology Investment Portfolio, an investment portfolio, and
  governed by Subchapter R, Chapter 403, Government Code.
         SECTION 9.  Section 490.102(a), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  Money appropriated to the fund by the legislature, less
  amounts necessary to administer the fund under Section 490.055,
  shall be allocated as follows:
               (1)  50 percent of the money [for incentives for
  collaboration between certain entities as provided by Subchapter D;
               [(2) 16.67 percent of the money for research award
  matching as provided by Subchapter E to the university research
  initiative fund under Subchapter B, Chapter 156, Education Code, as
  added by this Act.; and
               (2)  50 [(3)  33.33] percent of the money for
  acquisition of research superiority as provided by Subchapter F.
         SECTION 10.  Section 490.303, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, a clean
  coal project constitutes an opportunity for emerging technology
  suitable for consideration for a grant under Subchapter C,
  [incentives as provided by Subchapter D,] grant matching as
  provided by Subchapter E, and acquisition of research superiority
  under Subchapter F.
         SECTION 11.  Subchapter R, Chapter 403, Government Code, is
  added to read as follows:
         Sec. 403.501.  DEFINITIONS.
         In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Board" or "board" means the board of the
  non-profit organization managing the Texas Technology Investment
               (2)  "Institution" and "institutional fund" have the
  meanings assigned by Chapter 163, Property Code.
               (3)  "Participated" means to have taken action as an
  officer or employee through decision, approval, disapproval,
  recommendation, giving advice, investigation, or similar action.
               (4)  "Particular matter" means a specific
  investigation, application, request for a ruling or determination,
  rulemaking proceeding, contract, claim, charge, accusation,
  arrest, or judicial or other proceeding.
         (a)  The office of the comptroller is hereby delegated
  investment authority for the management of the former Subchapter D,
  Section 490, Government Code investments, hereafter referred to as
  the Texas Technology Investment Portfolio, to the same extent as an
  institution with respect to an institutional fund under Chapter
  163, Property Code.
         (b)  The office of the comptroller may enter into a contract
  with a nonprofit corporation for the corporation to manage the
  Texas Technology Investment Portfolio and appoint the members of
  the board of the nonprofit corporation.  The corporation may not
  engage in any business other than portfolio management and
  investment/re-investment of funds designated by the board under the
         (a)  The board of the nonprofit corporation must approve the:
               (1)  articles of incorporation and bylaws of the
  corporation and any amendment to the articles of incorporation or
               (2)  investment policies of the corporation, including
  changes to those policies;
               (3)  audit and ethics committee of the corporation;
               (4)  code of ethics of the corporation;
               (5)  hiring and firing of the officers of the
               (6)  annual operating budget for the corporation; and
               (6)  approving material amendments or changes to any
  existing contract with a recipient.
         (b)  The board of directors of the corporation shall have
  five members;
         (c)  The appointed board of directors shall possess
  background and expertise in law, finance and/or investment
  portfolio management; and
         (d)  Each appointed member of the board of directors of the
  corporation is subject to removal and replacement by and at the
  pleasure of the comptroller.
         (e)  The corporation shall file quarterly reports with the
  board concerning matters required by the board.
         (h)  The corporation is subject to the Texas Non-Profit
  Corporation Act (Article 1396-1.01 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil
         (a)  Information collected by the corporation, the board or
  the office of the comptroller concerning the identity, background,
  finance, marketing plans, trade secrets, or other commercially or
  academically sensitive information of an individual or entity being
  considered for, receiving, or having received an award from the
  fund is confidential unless the individual or entity consents to
  disclosure of the information.
         (b)  The following information collected by the
  corporation, the board or the office of the comptroller under this
  chapter is public information and may be disclosed under Chapter
               (1)  the name and address of each individual or entity
  that comprises the portfolio;
               (2)  the balances of funds advanced and encumbered to
  each portfolio company;
               (3)  a brief description of the project for which the
  funds have been applied; and
               (4)  if applicable, a brief description of the equity
  position taken in an entity that has received funds from the state.
         (c)  The corporation may not enter into an agreement or
  transaction with a:
               (1)  director, officer, or employee of the corporation
  acting in other than an official capacity on behalf of the
  corporation; or
               (2)  business entity in which a director, officer, or
  employee of the corporation has an interest
         (d)  An agreement or transaction entered into in violation of
  Subsection (c) is void.
         (e)  For purposes of this section, a person has an interest
  in a business entity if:
               (1)  the person owns five percent or more of the voting
  stock or shares of the business entity;
               (2)  the person owns five percent or more of the fair
  market value of the business entity; or
               (3)  money received by the person from the business
  entity exceeds five percent of the person's gross income for the
  preceding calendar year.
         (f)  A former director of the corporation may not make any
  communication to or appearance before a director, officer, or
  employee of the corporation before the second anniversary of the
  date an individual ceased to be a director of the corporation if the
  communication or appearance is made:
               (1)  with the intent to influence; and
               (2)  on behalf of any person in connection with any
  matter on which the person seeks action by the corporation.
         (g)  A former officer or employee of the corporation may not
  represent any person or receive compensation for services rendered
  on behalf of any person regarding a particular matter in which the
  former officer or employee participated during the period of
  service or employment with the corporation, either through
  personal involvement or because the particular matter was within
  the officer's or employee's responsibility.
         (h)  An individual who violates Subsection (f) or (g)
  commits an offense. An offense under this subsection is a Class A
         SECTION 12.  (a)  The repeal by this Act of Subchapter D,
  Chapter 490, Government Code, relating to certain
  commercialization of emerging technology activities funded by the
  Texas emerging technology fund, does not affect the validity of an
  agreement between the governor and the recipient of an award
  awarded under Subchapter D, Chapter 490, or a person to be awarded
  money under that subchapter that is entered into under Chapter 490
  before September 1, 2015.
         (b)  Money from the Texas emerging technology fund that is
  encumbered because the money is awarded under Subchapter D, Chapter
  490, Government Code, or otherwise obligated by agreement before
  September 1, 2015, but under the terms of the award or agreement
  will not be distributed until a later date is now subject to
  Subchapter R, Section 403, Government Code and shall be distributed
  in accordance with the terms of the award or agreement.
         SECTION 13.  (a)  Notwithstanding Section 490.005(a),
  Government Code, as amended by this Act, the report due under that
  section by January 31, 2016, must also include the specified
  information required by Subdivisions (1)-(5) of that section
  regarding awards made under Subchapter D, Chapter 490, Government
  Code, during the 2015 state fiscal year and each preceding state
  fiscal year.
         (b)  Notwithstanding Sections 490.005(a) and (b), Government
  Code, as amended by this Act, the report due under Section
  490.005(a) by January 31, 2016, must also contain the specified
  information required by Section 490.005(b) regarding projects
  receiving funding under Subchapter D, Chapter 490, Government Code,
  during the 2015 state fiscal year and each preceding state fiscal
         SECTION 14.  A regional center of innovation and
  commercialization established under Section 490.152, Government
  Code, is abolished on the effective date of this Act.  Each center
  shall transfer to the office of the governor a copy of any meeting
  minutes required to be retained under Section 490.1521, Government
  Code, as that section existed immediately before that section's
  repeal by this Act, and the office shall retain the minutes for the
  period prescribed by that section.
         SECTION 15.  If a conflict exists between this Act and
  another Act of the 84th Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, that
  relates to the Texas emerging technology fund, this Act controls
  without regard to the relative dates of enactment.
         SECTION 16.  Except as otherwise provided by this Act, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2015.