84R9315 MGB-F
  By: Lozano H.C.R. No. 100
         WHEREAS, In 2015, King Ranch, Inc., celebrates the 100th
  anniversary of its Main House, the ancestral home of the King Ranch
  family; and
         WHEREAS, In 1854, Henrietta Chamberlain King came to King
  Ranch as the young bride of Captain Richard King, and she
  established their home in a simple adobe structure on the banks of
  Santa Gertrudis Creek; and
         WHEREAS, That original dwelling was later replaced by a frame
  cottage, and then by a two-story, Southern-style plantation home,
  which burned to the ground in 1912; three years later, in 1915,
  Mrs. King, who had been widowed in 1885, her daughter Alice, and
  Alice's husband, Robert Justus Kleberg Sr., finished building the
  Spanish-style Main House of the present day; and
         WHEREAS, The new home, which has also served as the ranch
  headquarters, was designed by Adams & Adams of San Antonio with the
  interior being designed by Tiffany Studios of New York; while the
  37,000-square-foot, 27-room structure is grand, dominating the
  surrounding landscape, the building was thoughtfully designed to
  accommodate the family, cowboys, and travelers alike; and
         WHEREAS, In 1961, the United States Department of the
  Interior listed King Ranch and the King Ranch Main House in the
  National Register of Historic Places; the cultural significance of
  the Main House was further acknowledged in 1980, when it received an
  Official Texas Historical Marker from the Texas Historical
  Commission; and
         WHEREAS, Seven generations of the King Ranch family have
  called the Main House home, and it has welcomed a host of
  distinguished guests, among them prominent citizens and heads of
  state; today, it remains a gathering place for the family, as well
  as a monument to the memories of Captain Richard King and Henrietta
  King; and
         WHEREAS, An iconic structure, the King Ranch Main House is an
  enduring reminder of the rich ranching heritage of the Lone Star
  State, and it is indeed fitting to acknowledge its role in Texas
  history at this time; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 84th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby commemorate the centennial of the King Ranch Main House and
  extend sincere best wishes for the future to the King Ranch family
  and to all the employees of King Ranch, Inc.; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for King Ranch, Inc., as an expression of high regard by
  the Texas House of Representatives and Senate.