84R6410 BPG-D
  By: Clardy H.R. No. 238
         WHEREAS, Dr. Francis Edward Abernethy of Nacogdoches has long
  played a vital role in his community and in the cultural life of
  Texas; and
         WHEREAS, The Distinguished Regents Professor Emeritus of
  English at Stephen F. Austin State University, "Ab" Abernethy
  taught SFA students for 32 years; he is also editor emeritus of the
  Texas Folklore Society, and he has edited numerous volumes for the
  organization, among them Tales from the Big Thicket, Legendary
  Ladies of Texas, and Juneteenth Texas; in addition, he is the author
  of poetry, short stories, a book on Texas folk music, and personal
  accounts of his wide travels; in 1974 he was inducted into the Texas
  Institute of Letters; and
         WHEREAS, This remarkable Renaissance man performed around
  the state for decades as a singer and bass fiddle player with the
  East Texas String Ensemble, and he is known to local residents as
  the builder of the Lanana Creek Trail; dedicated in 1986, it follows
  an old Indian footpath; subsequently, he helped establish the
  Banita Creek Trail; he has served as the curator of exhibits for the
  East Texas Historical Association and has given generously of his
  time and vast expertise to historic restoration and preservation
  projects in Nacogdoches; for his many endeavors in behalf of his
  fellow residents, he was named 2008 Citizen of the Year by the
  Nacogdoches Chamber of Commerce; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Altus, Oklahoma, in 1925, Dr. Abernethy grew
  up in the Texas Panhandle and East Texas and graduated from high
  school in Nacogdoches; he served in the United States Navy during
  World War II and took part in the occupation of Japan; after the
  war, he hitchhiked and worked his way across the United States and
  Canada before completing his bachelor's degree at SFA and his
  master's degree at Louisiana State University; following a stint
  teaching high school English in Woodville, he earned his doctoral
  degree at LSU in, fittingly, Renaissance literature; and
         WHEREAS, Dr. Abernethy taught English at Lamar University for
  nine years at the beginning of his distinguished academic career;
  along the way, he gained experience as a field biologist for
  Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries, and for two decades, he
  participated in studies of Mexican cave fauna in the Sierra Madres
  and the Yucatan; and
         WHEREAS, A popular speaker, Ab Abernethy continues to share
  his tremendous store of knowledge with the members of various
  professional and civic organizations, and he has inspired
  innumerable people with his love of learning, teaching, and living
  life as fully as humanly possible; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Dr. Francis Edward Abernethy for his
  myriad contributions to his community and to the Lone Star State and
  extend to him sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Dr. Abernethy as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.