84R6888 EEY-D
  By: Darby H.R. No. 307
         WHEREAS, Kenneth Dierschke of San Angelo retired as president
  of the Texas Farm Bureau and its affiliated companies in December
  2014, concluding a distinguished tenure that spanned 12 years; and
         WHEREAS, Elected to the TFB board of directors in 1996,
  Mr. Dierschke was named vice president in 2000 and president in
  2002; he has also served on the boards of the American Farm Bureau
  Federation, Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company, and Farm
  Bureau Bank, and on the executive committee of the Farm Bureau Bank;
         WHEREAS, Mr. Dierschke was previously a member of the Tom
  Green County Farm Bureau board for more than two decades, and he
  served two terms as its president; over the years, he gave further
  of his time and talents to the TFB as a member of its Blue Ribbon
  Goals, State Resolutions, and Cotton Advisory Committees; and
         WHEREAS, This dynamic Texan has been a member of the United
  States Trade Representatives Advisory Council, and since 1998, he
  has served as agricultural representative on the Region F Water
  Planning Group; in addition, he has served on the Conservation Task
  Force for the Texas Water Development Board and the Cotton Board and
  its executive committee; moreover, he has been a director of the
  Southern Rolling Plains Cotton Growers Association and a member of
  the USDA Trade Representative Advisory Committee and of the
  American Farm Bureau Trade Advisory Committee; and
         WHEREAS, A fourth-generation farmer, Mr. Dierschke raises
  cotton and milo, and he was selected as the Concho Soil and Water
  Conservation District Farmer of the Year; he is the recipient of the
  Area Chapter Farmer Award from the Wall FFA as well; a graduate of
  Wall High School, he attended San Angelo College; and
         WHEREAS, Kenneth Dierschke has greatly benefited the Texas
  Farm Bureau through his dedicated leadership, and he may indeed
  reflect with pride on a job well done; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Kenneth Dierschke for his outstanding
  contributions as president of the Texas Farm Bureau and extend to
  him sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Dierschke as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.