H.R. No. 326
         WHEREAS, Janey and Melvin Lack are being honored on February
  12, 2015, with the Distinguished Citizen Award by the South Texas
  Council of the Boy Scouts of America; and
         WHEREAS, Longtime residents of Victoria, Mr. and Mrs. Lack
  are the retired owners of the retail chain Lack's Stores, Inc.,
  which Mr. Lack led as president and CEO and Mrs. Lack as vice
  president of marketing and advertising; the couple both completed
  master's degrees in business administration at Harvard University
  following their undergraduate studies, which Mr. Lack pursued at
  Rice University and Mrs. Lack at the University of Michigan; and
         WHEREAS, Over the years, this esteemed pair have given freely
  of their time and energy to a wide range of organizations; Melvin
  Lack has served as treasurer of the board of the Victoria Chamber of
  Commerce, as president and vice president of the board of the
  Victoria Economic Development Corporation, and as a member of the
  boards of the United Way, the Victoria Fine Arts Association, and
  Congregation B'nai Israel; in addition, he is the founding chair of
  the Victoria Business and Education Coalition, and he has
  co-chaired successful campaigns to pass bond issues for Victoria
  College and for the Victoria Independent School District; and
         WHEREAS, Janey Lack has likewise rendered exceptional
  service in the public realm; currently a member of advisory
  councils for The University of Texas at Austin and the University of
  Michigan, she has also held a seat on the Higher Education
  Commission for the University of Houston and the State Job Training
  Coordinating Council and chaired the Educational Economic Policy
  Center, the Texas Council on Vocational Education, and the
  Governor's Task Force on Literacy; locally, she has served on the
  Victoria City Council and led the Victoria Parks and Recreation
  Commission, the Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the
  Victoria Tax Increment Finance Board; she has also supported a
  number of worthy causes and organizations, among them the Victoria
  Symphony Society, whose endowment trust she has chaired; and
         WHEREAS, For her many contributions, Mrs. Lack has received
  such accolades as the Outstanding Citizen Award from the Victoria
  Rotary Club, the People Who Make a Difference Award from the
  University of Houston, and the Victoria Women of Achievement Award;
  Mr. Lack has been honored with the Jaycee Distinguished Citizens
  Award and with the inaugural Golden Diploma Award from the Victoria
  Chamber of Commerce; in 2007, the Lacks were selected as Retailers
  of the Year by the National Home Furnishings Association, an
  organization that Mr. Lack has served variously as president,
  treasurer, and board chair; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Lack have been married for close to
  five decades, and they are deeply devoted to their family, which
  today includes their children, David Lack, Jeffrey Lack and his
  wife, Cinda, and Julie Lack, and their grandchildren, Clara, Ellie,
  Grace, Mason, and Mackenzie; and
         WHEREAS, An inspiring husband and wife team, Janey and Melvin
  Lack have made a lasting difference through their generous
  volunteer efforts, and they are indeed richly deserving of this
  most recent tribute; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Janey and Melvin Lack on their receipt of
  the Distinguished Citizen Award from the South Texas Council of the
  Boy Scouts of America and extend to them sincere best wishes for the
  future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. and Mrs. Lack as an expression of high regard by
  the Texas House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 326 was adopted by the House on
  February 19, 2015, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House