84R7604 EEY-D
  By: Farney H.R. No. 347
         WHEREAS, Southwestern University in Georgetown is
  celebrating the 175th anniversary of its charter on February 5,
  2015, and it is indeed fitting to recognize this significant
  milestone in the history of the state's oldest chartered
  institution of higher education; and
         WHEREAS, In 1835, Colonel William B. Travis penned a letter
  to the New York Christian Advocate calling for the establishment of
  a Methodist presence in the new Republic of Texas, and five years
  later, the first of Southwestern's four root colleges was
  established through the visionary leadership of Methodist
  missionary Martin Ruter; and
         WHEREAS, The university built a reputation for scholarly
  excellence, and as it earned wider recognition, its enrollment
  grew, reaching 1,000 by 1978; eventually, the school eliminated
  graduate programs in order to focus on undergraduates in the
  liberal arts and sciences; in 1988, US News & World Report named
  Southwestern the top regional liberal arts college in the nation,
  and today, both that publication and USA Today College rank it among
  the nation's top liberal arts colleges; and
         WHEREAS, While maintaining a tradition of academic rigor,
  with small classes and collaborative research opportunities, the
  institution also fosters civic engagement and the exploration of
  multiple perspectives to prepare graduates for the challenges of a
  rapidly changing world; Southwestern students volunteer at twice
  the national average rate, and half of all students study abroad;
  most undergraduates also pursue leadership, service, and activism
  roles in over 90 student organizations; demonstrating the
  effectiveness of such a broad-based liberal arts education, more
  than 90 percent of students find employment or gain acceptance into
  graduate or professional programs within 10 months of graduation;
         WHEREAS, Today, Southwestern University has a diverse
  enrollment of over 1,500 students, and it remains true to its
  mission, "fostering a liberal arts community whose values and
  actions encourage contributions toward the well-being of
  humanity"; over the course of 175 years, this noteworthy
  institution has provided its students with an education that has
  enriched them both academically and personally, and in so doing, it
  has made important contributions to Texas and the world beyond;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 175th anniversary of the charter
  of Southwestern University and extend to the institution's
  administration, faculty, staff, and students sincere best wishes
  for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the university as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.