84R5659 BPG-D
  By: Nevárez H.R. No. 373
         WHEREAS, Proud residents of Kinney County are gathering at
  the State Capitol to celebrate the role the county has played in the
  annals of the Lone Star State; and
         WHEREAS, Located west of San Antonio in the Rio Grande Plains
  region, Kinney County was first populated as long as 10,000 years
  ago, according to the archeological evidence found in rock
  shelters; artifacts indicate the subsequent presence of tribes
  including the Lipan Apaches, Coahuiltecans, Jumanos, Tamaulipans,
  Tonkawas, and Comanches; and
         WHEREAS, Early Spanish explorers visited the area, and in
  1665, Fernando de Azcué, credited as the first European to cross the
  Rio Grande, passed through what would become the southeastern
  corner of the county; although the region remained sparsely
  settled, the Texas Legislature carved it out of Bexar County to form
  a new county in 1850, and it was named after pioneer Henry Lawrence
  Kinney; and
         WHEREAS, In 1852, the United States Army established Fort
  Riley, soon redesignated as Fort Clark, along Las Moras Creek, and
  the community of Brackett was founded; named for local merchant
  Oscar B. Brackett, it became known as Brackettville, and it is today
  the county's seat and largest city; the fort later became the base
  for a small company of Black Seminole Indian scouts, and in 1872,
  the Black Seminole Indian Scout Cemetery was sited there; by the
  mid-1870s, the Black Seminoles numbered some 400 to 500; their
  families lived on a military reservation along Las Moras Creek for
  decades, and although the scouts were disbanded by the federal
  government in 1912 and the reservation was closed, some descendants
  remain in the county; and
         WHEREAS, Through the years, cattle ranching has dominated the
  county's economy, and wool and mohair production played an
  important part in the nation's war effort during World War II;
  today, tourists are drawn to the area by a variety of noteworthy
  attractions, among them Kickapoo Cavern State Park, Alamo Village,
  Las Moras Park, and Fort Clark; and
         WHEREAS, The citizens of Kinney County are confidently facing
  the future while continuing to embrace their rich and colorful
  past, and it is indeed a pleasure to honor them at this time; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize Kinney County Day at the State Capitol
  and extend to this delegation sincere best wishes for an enjoyable
  and memorable visit.