84R9296 KSM-D
  By: Price H.R. No. 498
         WHEREAS, The directors and staff of the North Plains
  Groundwater Conservation District celebrated the 60th anniversary
  of its establishment on January 21, 2015, and this significant
  milestone offers a fitting opportunity to recognize the
  contributions of the district to the northern Panhandle region; and
         WHEREAS, In 1955, voters approved the State Board of Water
  Engineers' creation of the North Plains Groundwater Conservation
  District for the purpose of managing groundwater resources north of
  the Canadian River; the district was originally composed of
  Hartley, Moore, Sherman, Hansford, Hutchinson, and Ochiltree
  Counties, and eventually Lipscomb and Dallam Counties joined the
  region; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to confirming that rules and standards
  are met, the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District
  collects and maintains data, performs water quality analyses,
  issues well permits, and creates educational opportunities for
  stakeholders and area schools; for the past nine years, the
  district has organized Save The Planet's Water Festivals, which
  have helped more than 5,000 students and teachers learn about and
  recognize their role in the stewardship of natural resources; and
         WHEREAS, In 2010, the board of directors introduced the
  200-12 Reduced Irrigation on Corn Demonstration Project to help
  save irrigation water while maintaining crop yields; the 200-12
  Project has been recognized by the Texas Water Conservation
  Advisory Council with the 2011 Blue Legacy Award for Agriculture
  and by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Office
  of the Governor with the 2012 Texas Environmental Excellence Award
  for Agriculture; and
         WHEREAS, Currently, the organization is led by general
  manager Steve Walthour, and it further benefits from the dedicated
  work of its staff and engineers, Jerry Green, Dale Hallmark,
  Kristen Lane, Patsy Long, Karen Mannis, Leon New, Mike Pitts,
  Pauletta Rhoades, Sherry Robinett, Curtis Schwertner, Paul Sigle,
  Shari Stanford, Casey Tice, Odell Ward, Kirk Welch, and Laura West;
  also deserving of acknowledgment are members of the district board,
  Gene Born, Justin Crownover, Harold Grall, Mark Howard, Danny
  Krienke, Zac Yoder, and Bob Zimmer, whose direction and oversight
  have been invaluable to the district's operation; and
         WHEREAS, For six decades, the North Plains Groundwater
  Conservation District has worked to provide prudent and effective
  administration of regional groundwater supplies, thereby ensuring
  the availability of this precious resource for Texans today and for
  generations to come; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 60th anniversary of the North
  Plains Groundwater Conservation District and extend to the
  district's manager, staff, engineers, and board members sincere
  best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the district board and staff as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.