84R438 BK-D
  By: Howard H.R. No. 499
         WHEREAS, Dr. Julie A. Boom, an associate professor at Baylor
  College of Medicine in Houston, has been named the 2014 Childhood
  Immunization Champion for Texas by the Centers for Disease Control
  and Prevention; and
         WHEREAS, This prestigious award, presented each year during
  National Infant Immunization Week, recognizes individuals across
  the United States and its territories who have worked to protect the
  health and safety of children by ensuring that vaccination is a
  priority; after first being nominated for the honor by her peers,
  Dr. Boom was chosen by health care professionals, community
  supporters, and other immunization leaders for her contributions to
  public health in Texas; and
         WHEREAS, This noted physician and health advocate was
  motivated by an experience she had during her medical residency,
  when she treated a three-year-old girl who ultimately died from
  meningitis; since that time, she has focused on promoting
  immunization and developing improved immunization technologies and
  practices; and
         WHEREAS, A leader in her field, Dr. Boom has directed a
  number of collaborative, multisite research projects into vaccine
  prevalence and effectiveness, vaccine beliefs of parents, and other
  topics of import, with her projects including a rotavirus vaccine
  study that resulted in changes to domestic and global
  recommendations on the use of the vaccine; she additionally led the
  development of an automated scheduling application that forecasts
  each child's vaccination needs, a tool that is now used in two
  states and by the Indian Health Service; and
         WHEREAS, In her practice as an attending physician at Texas
  Children's Hospital, Dr. Boom immunizes hundreds of children each
  year, and she advises medical residents on how to communicate with
  parents, particularly those with concerns about vaccination; she
  has testified in support of major immunization legislation, and to
  further reassure parents about the importance of vaccination, she
  helped create Vaccine-Preventable Disease: The Forgotten Story, a
  book recounting the real-life experiences of 20 families;
  nationwide, more than 130,000 copies of the book have been
  distributed, and a related short documentary, Facing Meningitis,
  has been produced and made available online; and
         WHEREAS, Through her work in the areas of education and
  research, Dr. Julie Boom has performed a public service with
  lifesaving implications for countless young Texans, and her
  leadership and dedication to the cause of children's health are
  truly commendable; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Dr. Julie A. Boom on her selection
  as a 2014 Childhood Immunization Champion and extend to her sincere
  appreciation for her many years of service to others; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Dr. Boom as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.