84R8870 BPG-D
  By: Naishtat H.R. No. 507
         WHEREAS, A number of outstanding Texas organizations are
  working together to raise awareness of the social and financial
  costs of substance abuse, and it is indeed fitting to acknowledge
  their endeavors as they gather in Austin on February 18, 2015, for
  Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Advocacy Day at the State
  Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas Association of Addiction Professionals
  unites the efforts of chemical dependency counselors, while the
  Texas Summit Committee for Prevention is a coalition of agencies
  focused on drug and alcohol prevention education, and the
  Association of Substance Abuse Programs represents and coordinates
  more than 60 community-based, nonprofit substance abuse treatment
  and prevention organizations across the state; Young People in
  Recovery is a national grassroots organization that works to secure
  access to treatment, educational resources, employment
  opportunities, and secure, quality housing for young people in or
  seeking recovery; and
         WHEREAS, Together, these groups are providing a forum for the
  discussion of substance abuse issues in the state, and they are
  striving to heighten public understanding of these serious concerns
  and to increase support for prevention and treatment; and
         WHEREAS, Substance abuse can destroy lives and families and
  undermine the strength of our communities; the prevention of
  substance abuse and the treatment of chemical dependency provide
  positive and measurable contributions to society, and those who
  devote their time and energy to these goals are deserving of our
  deep respect and appreciation; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize February 18, 2015, as Substance Abuse
  Prevention and Treatment Advocacy Day at the State Capitol and
  extend to all those participating sincere best wishes for the