H.R. No. 519
         WHEREAS, Emma Bass of Leon County has long exemplified civic
  engagement at its finest, and her exceptional record of community
  service is a continuing source of inspiration to all who know her;
         WHEREAS, Born Emma Lou Blasingame in Houston on October 9,
  1936, Mrs. Bass moved to Robbins at the age of seven; she gained
  experience in the newspaper industry working for four years with
  the Leon County News, and she subsequently established the
  Centerville News, whose first issue came off the press on April 23,
  1980; the paper became a community institution, and she continued
  to publish it until her retirement in December 2014; and
         WHEREAS, Over the years, Mrs. Bass has also contributed
  immeasurably to a host of organizations that have benefited the
  lives of area citizens; she is a cofounder of the Centerville
  Chamber of Commerce and the Leon County Economic Development
  Association, both of which she has served as a director and as
  president, and she is also a cofounder of the Elmer P. and Jewel
  Ward Memorial Library, whose board she has served as vice
  president; in addition, she has been a representative to the Brazos
  Valley Council of Governments, has helped to organize and lead such
  groups as the Friends of Fort Boggy State Park and the Leon County
  Opera, and has rendered extensive service to the Leon County Fourth
  of July Funtier Days celebration as a director and committee
  member; moreover, she has been a staunch supporter of 4-H, FFA, and
  many other school organizations; and
         WHEREAS, In recognition of all she has done to promote worthy
  causes in her county, Mrs. Bass has twice been named Woman of the
  Year by the Centerville chamber, which has also conferred on her its
  Citizen of the Year Award, Past President's Award, Pioneer Award,
  and Most Special Award; this esteemed Texan is the recipient of
  myriad other honors as well, including the Community Builder Award
  from the Centerville Masonic Lodge and citations from the Leon
  County Genealogical Society, Leon County Retired Teachers
  Association, and East Texas Mounted Search and Rescue; in 2014, she
  served as grand marshal of the Funtier Days Parade; and
         WHEREAS, In all her endeavors, Mrs. Bass enjoyed the love and
  support of her husband of 57 years, Walter Terrell Bass, who passed
  away in 2009; she takes pride in a fine family that includes her
  son, Walter Lee Bass, and his wife, Geneva, as well as two
  granddaughters and several great-grandchildren; and
         WHEREAS, Those Texans who give freely of their time and
  talents to benefit the larger community make the world a better
  place through their actions and their example, and Emma Bass of Leon
  County is indeed one such person; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Emma Bass for her many years of service
  to the city of Centerville and to Leon County and extend to her
  sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
  ESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mrs. Bass as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 519 was adopted by the House on March
  5, 2015, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House