84R6814 KSM-D
  By: Sheets H.R. No. 613
         WHEREAS, The Woodrow Wilson High School Community Foundation
  in Dallas celebrated its fifth anniversary in 2014; and
         WHEREAS, Formed in 2009, the foundation works to raise funds
  to assist students, faculty, and educational programs at Woodrow
  Wilson High School and its feeder schools; the foundation also
  serves to cultivate other Dallas ISD projects and has established
  rewarding partnerships with many local businesses; and
         WHEREAS, The financial support provided by the foundation
  benefits initiatives like the high school's International
  Baccalaureate program, which encourages students to think
  critically, exercise curiosity, and develop a deeper understanding
  and respect for the world around them; furthermore, the foundation
  administers a variety of academic scholarships for high school
  seniors entering college; and
         WHEREAS, The Woodrow Wilson High School Community Foundation
  is ably led by president Richard H. Vitale, vice president Gary
  Griffith, secretary Emily Martin, and treasurer Jason Kulas; other
  members who have been integral to the group's efforts include Susan
  Schuerger, Paul Dalton, Jody Hodges, Mike Morath, Patricia
  Arvanitis, Bruce Bradford, Alise Cortez, Mary Hendrix, Amy Jones,
  Monica Latin, Dustin Marshall, Spencer Patterson, Kenneth Sheets,
  Leigh Peden Straughn, Tanner Vick, and Lon R. Williams Jr.; and
         WHEREAS, Public education is an endeavor in which all Texans
  have a stake, and the men and women of the Woodrow Wilson High
  School Community Foundation are to be commended for the valuable
  part they play in ensuring a bright and prosperous future for area
  schoolchildren; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the Woodrow Wilson High School Community
  Foundation on its fifth anniversary and extend to all those
  involved with the foundation sincere best wishes for continued
  success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the foundation as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.