H.R. No. 645
         WHEREAS, Hundreds of civic-minded residents of Beaumont,
  Orange, Port Arthur, and other communities in Jefferson and Orange
  Counties are visiting Austin on March 1-3, 2015, to promote the
  advancement of their region during Golden Triangle Days at the
  State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, A strategically important source of energy and
  chemical manufactured products, the Golden Triangle refines about
  13 percent of the nation's gasoline daily, including 60 percent of
  its commercial jet fuel and the majority of its military jet fuel;
         WHEREAS, The region is served by the Sabine Neches Waterway,
  which ranks fourth in the nation for total tonnage and supports a
  large percentage of the nation's petrochemical industry; it is the
  nation's top commercial military out-load port and the first in
  crude oil imports, and on June 10, 2014, the federal government
  authorized an improvement project that will deepen the channel to
  48 feet, enhancing the global competitiveness of this key gateway;
         WHEREAS, The Golden Triangle is also linked to an extensive
  rail and pipeline system; construction has been completed on a
  pipeline from Oklahoma to Jefferson County, and with over $21
  billion in announced new economic development projects and another
  $24 billion under consideration, the region has become an
  increasingly vital contributor to the economic prosperity of the
  state; and
         WHEREAS, The area's population has access to such notable
  institutions of higher education as Lamar University, Lamar State
  College-Orange, Lamar State College-Port Arthur, and the Lamar
  Institute of Technology; moreover, a number of training programs
  are available to ensure the preparedness of the workforce;
  residents further benefit from unique cultural and environmental
  sites, among them Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center,
  Big Thicket National Preserve, and coastal habitats such as Sea Rim
  State Park and the McFadden National Wildlife Refuge, which also
  draw many tourists; and
         WHEREAS, Public-spirited residents of Jefferson and Orange
  Counties are working together to build a bright, prosperous future
  for their region, and it is indeed fitting to honor their steadfast
  commitment to the betterment of their communities and of the Lone
  Star State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize March 1-3, 2015, as Golden Triangle
  Days at the State Capitol and extend to all those participating
  sincere best wishes for an informative and enjoyable stay in
Straus González Otto
Allen Guerra Paddie
Alonzo Guillen Parker
Alvarado Gutierrez Paul
Anchia Harless Peña
Anderson of Dallas Hernandez Phelan
Anderson of McLennan Herrero Phillips
Ashby Howard Pickett
Aycock Huberty Price
Bell Hughes Raney
Bernal Hunter Raymond
Blanco Isaac Reynolds
Bohac Israel Riddle
Bonnen of Brazoria Johnson Rinaldi
Bonnen of Galveston Kacal Rodriguez of Bexar
Burkett Keffer Rodriguez of Travis
Burns Keough Romero, Jr.
Burrows King of Hemphill Rose
Button King of Parker Sanford
Canales King of Taylor Schaefer
Capriglione King of Uvalde Schofield
Clardy Klick Schubert
Coleman Koop Shaheen
Collier Krause Sheets
Cook Kuempel Sheffield
Craddick Landgraf Simmons
Crownover Larson Simpson
Cyrier Laubenberg Smith
Dale Leach Smithee
Darby Longoria Spitzer
Davis of Dallas Lozano Springer
Davis of Harris Lucio III Stephenson
Deshotel Márquez Stickland
Dukes Martinez Thompson of Brazoria
Dutton Martinez Fischer Thompson of Harris
Elkins McClendon Tinderholt
Faircloth Menéndez Turner of Collin
Fallon Metcalf Turner of Harris
Farias Meyer Turner of Tarrant
Farney Miles VanDeaver
Farrar Miller of Comal Villalba
Fletcher Miller of Fort Bend Vo
Flynn Moody Walle
Frank Morrison White of Bell
Frullo Muñoz, Jr. White of Tyler
Galindo Murphy Workman
Geren Murr Wray
Giddings Naishtat Wu
Goldman Nevárez Zedler
Gonzales Oliveira Zerwas
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 645 was adopted by the House on March 2,
  2015, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House