84R12311 KSM-D
  By: Murr H.R. No. 687
         WHEREAS, Proud residents of Crockett County are gathering in
  Austin on February 24, 2015, to celebrate Crockett County Day at the
  State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, Crockett County covers more than 2,800 square miles
  of majestic and varied canyons, mesas, and savannas and is home to a
  diverse economy of ranching and oil and gas production; formed in
  1875, the county was named after the legendary Davy Crockett and is
  geographically the eighth largest county in the state; it currently
  has a population of approximately 3,800, with the majority of its
  citizens residing in Ozona, the county seat; and
         WHEREAS, Self-styled as the "Biggest Little Town in the
  World," Ozona is the only town in Crockett County and is named for
  the high quality of its open air; its attractions include the Fort
  Lancaster State Historic Site and the Crockett County Museum, where
  visitors are treated to a wealth of stories about the county's
  vibrant past and can view artifacts from area residents dating as
  far back as 10,000 B.C.; the town also hosts a junior rodeo, and the
  square is home to such works as the Tie That Binds sculpture, in
  memory of pioneer families, and the Davy Crockett Monument; and
         WHEREAS, Celebrating their rich and colorful history as they
  work together to build a bright future, the citizens of Crockett
  County may take justifiable pride in the important role their
  unique region continues to play in the story of the Lone Star State;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize February 24, 2015, as Crockett County
  Day at the State Capitol and extend to the visiting delegation
  sincere best wishes for an informative and enjoyable stay in