H.R. No. 747
         WHEREAS, Janice Montemayor was named Youth of the Year by the
  Boys and Girls Clubs of Edinburg Rio Grande Valley at a ceremony on
  January 10, 2015; and
         WHEREAS, This gifted young woman was chosen from among the
  nearly 8,000 members of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Edinburg RGV,
  and she took top honors with her exemplary leadership skills,
  scholastic accomplishments, and volunteer service; she remains in
  the running for state, regional, and national youth of the year
  recognition; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Montemayor has been a member of the Boys and
  Girls Clubs for six years, giving freely of her time and energy to
  the club's activities and serving as an inspiring role model for her
  peers; through her regular attendance at club training sessions,
  she has gained valuable experience and insight into the issues
  facing teens in her community; and
         WHEREAS, A senior at Robert Vela High School, Ms. Montemayor
  also participates in the Keystone Club at the state and local levels
  and in AmeriCorps as a volunteer; and
         WHEREAS, Janice Montemayor has distinguished herself as a
  vital and valued member of her community, and her remarkable
  achievements thus far point the way to an even brighter future; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Janice Montemayor on being named
  the 2015 Youth of the Year by the Boys and Girls Clubs of Edinburg
  Rio Grande Valley and extend to her sincere best wishes for
  continued success and happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Montemayor as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.
Straus González Otto
Allen Guerra Paddie
Alonzo Guillen Parker
Alvarado Gutierrez Paul
Anchia Harless Peña
Anderson of Dallas Hernandez Phelan
Anderson of McLennan Herrero Phillips
Ashby Howard Pickett
Aycock Huberty Price
Bell Hughes Raney
Bernal Hunter Raymond
Blanco Isaac Reynolds
Bohac Israel Riddle
Bonnen of Brazoria Johnson Rinaldi
Bonnen of Galveston Kacal Rodriguez of Bexar
Burkett Keffer Rodriguez of Travis
Burns Keough Romero, Jr.
Burrows King of Hemphill Rose
Button King of Parker Sanford
Canales King of Taylor Schaefer
Capriglione King of Uvalde Schofield
Clardy Klick Schubert
Coleman Koop Shaheen
Collier Krause Sheets
Cook Kuempel Sheffield
Craddick Landgraf Simmons
Crownover Larson Simpson
Cyrier Laubenberg Smith
Dale Leach Smithee
Darby Longoria Spitzer
Davis of Dallas Lozano Springer
Davis of Harris Lucio III Stephenson
Deshotel Márquez Stickland
Dukes Martinez Thompson of Brazoria
Dutton Martinez Fischer Thompson of Harris
Elkins McClendon Tinderholt
Faircloth Menéndez Turner of Collin
Fallon Metcalf Turner of Harris
Farias Meyer Turner of Tarrant
Farney Miles VanDeaver
Farrar Miller of Comal Villalba
Fletcher Miller of Fort Bend Vo
Flynn Moody Walle
Frank Morrison White of Bell
Frullo Muñoz, Jr. White of Tyler
Galindo Murphy Workman
Geren Murr Wray
Giddings Naishtat Wu
Goldman Nevárez Zedler
Gonzales Oliveira Zerwas
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 747 was adopted by the House on March 3,
  2015, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House