84R11575 JGH-D
  By: Moody H.R. No. 757
         WHEREAS, Members of the Texas Chapter of the National
  Emergency Number Association are gathering at the State Capitol on
  March 3, 2015, and this occasion provides a welcome opportunity to
  recognize the history and lifesaving legacy of the 9-1-1 emergency
  number system across the state and nation; and
         WHEREAS, In 1967, the Federal Communications Commission and
  the U.S. Congress, in association with the American Telephone and
  Telegraph Company, established 9-1-1 as a universal, all-purpose
  emergency telephone number, and in February 1968, the first
  ceremonial 9-1-1 call was made in Haleyville, Alabama; and
         WHEREAS, Public safety telecommunicators are the vital link
  between citizens calling for help and the agencies that assist
  them, and for nearly half a century, 9-1-1 has been the nationally
  recognized number to call for immediate help from the police, the
  fire department, or emergency medical services; and
         WHEREAS, More than 500 public safety answering points daily
  serve the citizens of the Lone Star State by promptly responding to
  their emergency calls and by dispatching appropriate assistance as
  quickly as possible, and these dedicated telecommunicators,
  emergency directors, planning professionals, and industry service
  providers are ably represented by the Texas Chapter of the National
  Emergency Number Association; and
         WHEREAS, When seconds count, Texans turn to 9-1-1, and the
  state chapter of NENA is dedicated to promoting and encouraging the
  new and emerging technologies that are necessary to make 9-1-1 an
  even faster, more accurate, and more reliable system; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize March 3, 2015, as 9-1-1 Day at the
  State Capitol and extend to the visiting delegation from the Texas
  Chapter of the National Emergency Number Association sincere best
  wishes for a meaningful and memorable visit to Austin.