H.R. No. 759
         WHEREAS, The 100th birthday of an esteemed Texan is indeed a
  special occasion, and Jerome Barta of Bonus is celebrating this
  momentous milestone in his life on March 26, 2015; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Schulenburg in 1915, Mr. Barta is the son of
  Frances and John Barta; he attended high school until his
  mid-teens, when he went to work full-time on the farm; after his
  family moved to Bonus, he was employed as a sales clerk for Sellers
  Mercantile Company before enlisting in the United States Army; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Barta served his country from May 5, 1941, to
  September 5, 1945, in the Asiatic-Pacific theater of World War II;
  he was a technician fourth grade in Company C, 30th Engineer Corps
  Battalion; for his service in Papua New Guinea, he received three
  Bronze Stars, and his decorations further include a Good Conduct
  Medal, the American Defense Service Medal, and Distinguished Unit
  Citation WD GO No. 21; and
         WHEREAS, Following his honorable discharge, Mr. Barta
  returned to the family farm, where he raised cotton, corn, and feed;
  he remains a bachelor, and with typical dry wit, he has explained
  that having made it home from one war, he had no desire to start
  another; today, he continues to reside in his three-bedroom,
  clapboard home in Bonus; and
         WHEREAS, Jerome Barta's resilience and strength of character
  are a source of enduring inspiration, and he enriches the lives of
  all who are fortunate enough to know him with his wisdom,
  experience, and wonderful sense of humor; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Jerome Barta on his 100th birthday
  and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued happiness; and,
  be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Barta as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 759 was adopted by the House on March
  12, 2015, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House