84R10284 WG-D
  By: Villalba H.R. No. 788
         WHEREAS, Catholic Charities of Dallas has provided a helping
  hand to countless individuals in need for nearly 75 years; and
         WHEREAS, Founded in 1941, Catholic Charities of Dallas offers
  assistance to people of every race, religion, and national origin,
  with the goal of helping them achieve self-sufficiency; the group's
  efforts extend to disadvantaged families and other vulnerable
  individuals throughout the nine counties that make up the Diocese
  of Dallas; and
         WHEREAS, Through its Immigration and Legal Services Program,
  Catholic Charities of Dallas advocates for persons and families
  seeking American citizenship by helping to guide them through the
  immigration process; caseworkers for the organization make clients
  aware of their rights and various aspects of immigration law while
  assisting them with obtaining family visas, representing victims of
  domestic abuse and violent crime, and supporting custodians of
  unaccompanied children; and
         WHEREAS, Volunteers and professionals for Catholic Charities
  of Dallas also work diligently to resettle refugees who have left
  their home country behind to seek asylum in the Dallas area; the
  refugee resettlement program relies on donations of household items
  and furniture from the public to furnish apartments, where refugees
  can have a safe place to live upon arriving in Dallas; and
         WHEREAS, Catholic Charities of Dallas has remained steadfast
  in its commitment to providing area residents with the support and
  direction they need to secure a bright future for themselves, and
  the organization has made a positive and lasting difference in many
  lives; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the efforts of Catholic Charities of
  Dallas and extend to all those associated with the organization
  best wishes for continued success with their many good works; and,
  be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Catholic Charities of Dallas as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.