84R9570 CJM-D
  By: Moody H.R. No. 824
         WHEREAS, Danashiya Pritchard, an eighth grade student at
  Parkland Middle School in El Paso, has brought great credit to
  herself and her community through her artistic talent and her
  enthusiastic volunteer efforts; and
         WHEREAS, At age six, while receiving treatment for
  sickle-cell anemia, Danashiya became involved in Project Arts in
  Motion, an initiative sponsored by the nonprofit organization
  Creative Kids to introduce pediatric patients in El Paso to the
  visual arts; over the years, she has grown to be a valued member of
  the program, and when Project AIM was recognized with the National
  Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award in 2013, she was chosen to
  speak at the White House alongside First Lady Michelle Obama; in
  addition, one of her paintings, The Vase of Flowers, was displayed
  in the East Room during the ceremony; and
         WHEREAS, This remarkable young Texan has continued to play an
  active role in her community; she served as a marshal for the El
  Paso Black History Parade in February 2014 and that same year
  appeared as a guest speaker at the third annual Three Wish Circus;
  she also donated an original piece of artwork to the event's live
  auction, helping Three Wish Circus to raise more than $175,000 for
  the El Paso Regional Office of Make-A-Wish North Texas; and
         WHEREAS, A talented artist with a generous spirit, Danashiya
  Pritchard is making a positive difference in the city she calls
  home, and she is a source of inspiration to all who know her; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Danashiya Pritchard for her creative
  achievements and her commitment to charitable work in El Paso and
  extend to her sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Pritchard as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.