H.R. No. 879
         WHEREAS, The city of McKinney has been ranked number one on
  the 2014 list of the Best Places to Live in America published by
  Money magazine; and
         WHEREAS, In compiling the list, the publication considered
  more than 780 cities that had populations ranging between 50,000
  and 300,000 and rated them on factors that included economic
  vitality, education, home values, and health; and
         WHEREAS, McKinney scored high marks for its fusion of modern
  living and Southern hometown charm; the city was praised for
  offering a wide array of cultural activities, shopping, and quality
  restaurants while maintaining an affordable cost of living,
  excellent schools, and a low crime rate; another key factor that
  helped earn McKinney the top spot on the list was the city's
  business-friendly climate, which has helped attract a multitude of
  companies to the area, creating jobs in such growing industries as
  renewable energy, aviation, medical services, hospitality, and
  defense; and
         WHEREAS, McKinney's impressive showing in this high-profile
  analysis is further confirmation of the exceptional quality of life
  enjoyed by its citizens, and the city's residents may take great
  pride in the well-deserved attention that their community has
  received; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the city of McKinney on ranking
  first on the 2014 list of the Best Places to Live in America
  published by Money magazine and extend to its citizens sincere best
  wishes for the future.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 879 was adopted by the House on March
  12, 2015, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House