84R9901 BPG-D
  By: Parker H.R. No. 940
         WHEREAS, An estimated 1.8 million adults in Texas grew up as
  dependents of military service members, according to the Military
  Brats Registry; and
         WHEREAS, The children of military personnel make significant
  sacrifices; they grow up without the advantages of a hometown
  atmosphere, and most of them attend between 7 and 12 different
  schools before graduating from high school; and
         WHEREAS, Through their upbringing, the children of military
  personnel gain a unique appreciation for the duties and
  responsibilities of members of the United States armed forces; the
  word "brat" may be pejorative in some contexts, but those who answer
  questions about their childhood with the explanation "I'm a
  military brat" take pride in the service of their parents and in the
  support and encouragement military families provide to the brave
  men and women who protect our freedom; and
         WHEREAS, Military Brat pins have been created to recognize
  the experiences of the children of veterans, and the production of
  such pins is indeed a commendable effort; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby express support for Military Brat pins honoring
  those who grew up as dependents of military personnel.