84R12633 BK-D
  By: Canales H.R. No. 1138
         WHEREAS, Locally owned businesses make a welcome
  contribution to the distinct character of their communities, and
  one such enterprise, Aguilar's Meat Market, celebrated 30 years of
  service to the residents of Edinburg in 2014; and
         WHEREAS, On October 18, 1984, Irineo Aguilar Sr. opened
  Aguilar's Meat Market on the corner of 22nd Street and Highway 107,
  drawing on the three decades of experience he gained while employed
  with similar institutions; together with his wife, Elida, and their
  family, Mr. Aguilar went on to build a successful store by
  providing a quality product and outstanding customer service; and
         WHEREAS, After the death of Mr. Aguilar in 1992, ownership of
  Aguilar's Meat Market passed to his son, Irineo Aguilar Jr., and
  daughter, Irma De La Cruz, who ran the operation with the guidance
  of their mother; the Aguilars, who continue to run the store today
  with the support of their spouses, Elizabeth C. Aguilar and Felix De
  La Cruz, encourage in their employees the same dedication and
  courteous attitude to patrons that they learned from the market's
  founder; and
         WHEREAS, The family opened a second location on the west end
  of town in 2007, and its success paved the way for another expansion
  into the city of San Juan in 2012; at each location, Aguilar's Meat
  Market has given back to the community that helped it to grow and
  thrive through its involvement with local schools and other
  programs; and
         WHEREAS, For three decades, Aguilar's Meat Market has ably
  met the needs of customers while contributing to the local economy,
  and the enterprise remains an inspiring example of the achievements
  that can be realized through hard work and a commitment to
  excellence; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize Aguilar's Meat Market on its 30th
  anniversary in Edinburg and extend to the Aguilar family and their
  employees sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the business as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.