84R12505 WG-D
  By: Smith H.R. No. 1171
         WHEREAS, Eloise Smith Wilson of Bell County is celebrating
  her 90th birthday on April 20, 2015, and this occasion provides a
  welcome opportunity to remind her of the high regard in which she is
  held by all who know her; and
         WHEREAS, The former Helen Eloise Smith was born on April 20,
  1925, to Tom Willie and Irene Jones Smith on a farm just west of
  Belton, located along Nolan Creek; as part of a family of farmers
  and longtime residents of Bell County, she spent most of her time
  outdoors, playing with her sister and three brothers or helping to
  harvest the cotton and corn; and
         WHEREAS, Growing up during the Great Depression taught
  Mrs. Wilson the value of perseverance at an early age; following
  her graduation from Academy Consolidated High School, she moved to
  Temple and obtained her first job at Power's Drug as a "soda jerk"
  for a dollar a day; she went on to work at various other stores
  before becoming a secretary for a high school principal, and she was
  later employed by tax offices in both Bell and McLennan Counties;
         WHEREAS, Mrs. Wilson eventually turned her hand to real
  estate and became a broker in the Belton area, where she owned,
  maintained, and managed single-family rental properties; at the age
  of 50, she continued to expand her expertise and became a general
  contractor, and her diligence and ability to make smart investments
  helped her career flourish; and
         WHEREAS, This esteemed woman, who was married to Billy Ed
  Wilson for 35 years until his passing, has a son, Eddie, and two
  daughters, Tammy and Ricci; a dedicated wife and mother who
  supported her children in their church and school activities, she
  also served as a member of the Parent-Teacher Association, a Cub
  Scout Den Mother, and as vice president of the Bell County A&M
  Mothers' Club; moreover, she volunteered for several years with the
  Hospice Thrift Store, and she is a longtime, active member of the
  First Baptist Church in Belton; blessed with a growing family, she
  today enjoys the love and affection of six grandchildren and seven
  great-grandchildren; and
         WHEREAS, In her leisure time, Mrs. Wilson has traveled widely
  across the United States, Canada, and Mexico with family and
  friends, with her adventures including a rafting trip through the
  Grand Canyon when she was 70 years old; she has brought to all of her
  endeavors, whether gardening and landscaping at her own home or
  making improvements to rental properties, the same hard work and
  determination that made her career in real estate so successful;
         WHEREAS, A source of joy and inspiration to many people,
  Eloise Smith Wilson may indeed reflect with great satisfaction on a
  lifetime of achievement; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Eloise Smith Wilson on her 90th
  birthday and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued
  happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mrs. Wilson as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.