84R10881 WG-D
  By: Anderson of McLennan H.R. No. 1271
         WHEREAS, Kenneth T. Harding of Eddy has deservedly been
  honored with the 60-Year Masonic Service Award by Eddy Masonic
  Lodge No. 797; and
         WHEREAS, This notable accolade is presented to members who
  have devoted six decades of their time and energy to serving their
  local lodges and the organization as a whole, and Mr. Harding is
  indeed one such individual; through the years, he has volunteered
  countless hours to furthering the mission of Lodge No. 797 while
  participating in many beneficial initiatives carried out by the
  Masons in the area; and
         WHEREAS, Some people leave their unmistakable mark on the
  world as they move through it, and Kenneth Harding's efforts in
  behalf of his community have earned him the respect and admiration
  of all who know him; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Kenneth T. Harding on his receipt
  of the 60-Year Masonic Service Award from Eddy Masonic Lodge
  No. 797 and extend to him sincere best wishes for the future; and,
  be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Harding as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.