H.R. No. 1287
         WHEREAS, Countless lives were touched by the kindness and
  generosity of Helen Kilroy of Santa Fe, Texas, who passed away on
  December 22, 2014, at the age of 70; and
         WHEREAS, Born on November 5, 1944, Helen Kilroy worked as an
  executive assistant and later enjoyed a career as a travel agent;
  she and her husband, Jim Kilroy, shared 47 years together and became
  the parents of two beloved sons, Mark and Keith; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to her personal and professional
  responsibilities, Mrs. Kilroy served as a volunteer with many
  organizations in the Santa Fe and Hitchcock region; she played an
  instrumental role in establishing the Santa Fe ISD School Education
  Foundation and served on the board of Santa Fe Parks and Recreation;
  a district leader for the Bay Area Council Cub Scouts, she helped
  start the Cub Scout pack at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church; as
  a member of that church for more than 40 years, Mrs. Kilroy served
  the congregation as a Eucharistic minister and as the organizer of
  the church's auction, and she also fostered seven young children
  through Catholic charities; furthermore, she volunteered as an EMT
  and paramedic for the Santa Fe EMS ambulance and worked with Meals
  on Wheels; and
         WHEREAS, Of all her community endeavors, closest to her heart
  was her establishment of the Mark Kilroy Foundation with her
  husband; named in honor of the couple's 21-year-old son who was
  kidnapped and killed in Mexico by drug smugglers in 1989, the
  foundation was created to support anti-drug efforts; Mrs. Kilroy
  also helped organize the Substance Abuse Free Environment program
  and the annual Mark Kilroy Foundation Fundraiser, which helps
  secure grants for youth counselors; and
         WHEREAS, Deeply devoted to her family and her community,
  Helen Kilroy lived a caring and purposeful life, and she will
  forever be remembered with admiration and affection by all who held
  her close to their hearts; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Helen Kilroy and
  extend heartfelt condolences to the members of her family: to her
  husband, Jim Kilroy; to her son, Keith Kilroy, and his wife; to her
  two grandchildren; to her three sisters; and to her other relatives
  and many friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Helen
  Bonnen of Galveston
Straus González Paddie
Allen Guerra Parker
Alonzo Guillen Paul
Alvarado Gutierrez Peña
Anchia Harless Phelan
Anderson of Dallas Hernandez Phillips
Anderson of McLennan Herrero Pickett
Ashby Howard Price
Aycock Huberty Raney
Bell Hughes Raymond
Bernal Hunter Reynolds
Blanco Isaac Riddle
Bohac Israel Rinaldi
Bonnen of Brazoria Johnson Rodriguez of Bexar
Bonnen of Galveston Kacal Rodriguez of Travis
Burkett Keffer Romero, Jr.
Burns Keough Rose
Burrows King of Hemphill Sanford
Button King of Parker Schaefer
Canales King of Taylor Schofield
Capriglione King of Uvalde Schubert
Clardy Klick Shaheen
Coleman Koop Sheets
Collier Krause Sheffield
Cook Kuempel Simmons
Craddick Landgraf Simpson
Crownover Larson Smith
Cyrier Laubenberg Smithee
Dale Leach Spitzer
Darby Longoria Springer
Davis of Dallas Lozano Stephenson
Davis of Harris Lucio III Stickland
Deshotel Márquez Thompson of Brazoria
Dukes Martinez Thompson of Harris
Dutton Martinez Fischer Tinderholt
Elkins McClendon Turner of Collin
Faircloth Metcalf Turner of Harris
Fallon Meyer Turner of Tarrant
Farias Miles VanDeaver
Farney Miller of Comal Villalba
Farrar Miller of Fort Bend Vo
Fletcher Moody Walle
Flynn Morrison White of Bell
Frank Muñoz, Jr. White of Tyler
Frullo Murphy Workman
Galindo Murr Wray
Geren Naishtat Wu
Giddings Nevárez Zedler
Goldman Oliveira Zerwas
Gonzales Otto
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1287 was unanimously adopted by a rising
  vote of the House on March 31, 2015.
  Chief Clerk of the House