H.R. No. 1428
         WHEREAS, At a time of prolonged statewide drought, the
  availability and sustainability of water resources is an issue of
  ever more pressing concern, especially as population growth is set
  to place greater stress on water supplies in the coming years; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas Water Development Board has estimated that
  the state's demand for water will increase by 22 percent by 2060,
  from around 18 million acre-feet to 22 million acre-feet, and that
  existing water supplies will decrease by about 10 percent, from
  approximately 17 million acre-feet to 15.3 million acre-feet; and
         WHEREAS, One of the most cost-effective solutions to this
  challenge is water conservation, which includes not only the
  reduction of overall demand for water but also the increased
  efficiency of water systems; a poll conducted in 2014 by the Texas
  Water Foundation found that close to half of respondents were aware
  of the anticipated shortage, but only 30 percent felt that they were
  doing everything they could to eliminate unnecessary water use; and
         WHEREAS, The Water Conservation Advisory Council was created
  in 2007 to build a repository of best conservation practices and to
  report biennially to the legislature on water conservation efforts;
  the 2010 State Water Plan projects that 8.3 million acre-feet of
  additional water supply will be required by 2060, and a number of
  strategies have been put forth to help lessen this deficit,
  including increased energy efficiency, reservoir development,
  desalination, water reuse, and smart water management; and
         WHEREAS, Some regional water plans also set ambitious targets
  for improvement in order to match water demand with water supply; in
  addition, most cities are required by state law to prepare written
  water conservation plans, and several have adopted exemplary
  programs to this end; and
         WHEREAS, Education about water-saving habits and practices
  is key to reducing the consumption of water by consumers,
  municipalities, and agricultural and industrial enterprises;
  taking the lead in providing such education are the Texas Water
  Development Board, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality,
  the Parks and Wildlife Department, the Department of Agriculture,
  the Texas Water Foundation, and the Water Conservation Advisory
  Council; moreover, groundwater conservation districts, water
  utilities, irrigation districts, river authorities, communities,
  businesses, nonprofit organizations, and individuals are involved
  in this vital initiative as well; and
         WHEREAS, Ensuring an adequate water supply for our growing
  population is a goal made possible with the support of every Texas
  citizen, business, and organization, and the observance of Texas
  Water Conservation Day reminds us of the need to remain diligent in
  our stewardship of this precious and finite resource; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize March 26, 2015, as Texas Water
  Conservation Day at the State Capitol and urge all Texans to learn
  more about the steps they can take to reduce water usage in their
  daily lives.
  Lucio III
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1428 was adopted by the House on April
  16, 2015, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House