84R16236 WG-D
  By: White of Tyler H.R. No. 1458
         WHEREAS, The Buna High School boys' powerlifting team
  distinguished itself by capturing runner-up honors at the Buna
  Powerlifting Meet on February 12, 2015; and
         WHEREAS, Ably guided by coach Cory Harrison, the Cougars
  faced off against talented lifters from five different area high
  schools at the event; Cade Pellerin came out on top in the 132-pound
  weight class with a lift total of 655 pounds, and teammate Arthur
  Watson put up 1,080 pounds to claim the 148-pound title; moreover,
  Ty Tamplin placed first in the 220-pound division after clearing an
  impressive 1,605 pounds; and
         WHEREAS, Important contributions were also made by the other
  members of the Cougars squad, with Nick Rhame finishing as
  runner-up in the 242-pound weight class, Cole Briseno placing
  second in the 132-pound division, and Justin Miller and Ethan
  Harding each capturing fifth place in the 220-pound and 148-pound
  classes, respectively; moreover, Tommy Jones took home third-place
  honors for his performance in the SHW weight class, and Trace
  Compton was seventh among the 148-pound contenders; and
         WHEREAS, With their exemplary efforts, these talented
  student-athletes have continued the Buna High School tradition of
  athletic excellence, and they may take great pride in the skill and
  dedication that they have demonstrated throughout the season; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Buna High School powerlifting
  team on its success at the 2015 Buna Powerlifting Meet and extend to
  the team's lifters and coaches sincere best wishes for the future;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the team as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.