84R17308 BPG-D
  By: Herrero H.R. No. 1540
         WHEREAS, The Robstown Area Historical Museum is dedicated to
  preserving a rich cultural heritage that spans more than a century;
         WHEREAS, Founded on February 11, 1996, by the Reverend Inez
  Ramon and Dusty Knoblauch, the museum is housed in the former
  Bosquez Grocery Store at Main Avenue and Second Street; the
  building was donated by Dr. Roberto Bosquez and Ninfa Bosquez,
  whose parents once owned and operated the store, and generous local
  residents have provided a variety of possessions that teach
  visitors about Robstown's past; in 2012, Angelica Tijerina Taylor,
  a retired teacher and Robstown High School graduate, gave $10,000
  to the museum, and in 2014, the institution received a major
  donation from the City of Robstown and generous grants from the
  Nueces County Commissioners Court, the Coastal Bend Community
  Foundation, and friends and family of museum cofounder Dusty
  Knoblauch; and
         WHEREAS, Among the museum's holdings are many items that
  testify to the importance of agriculture in early Robstown,
  including an antique plow and a machine used to separate onions in
  the 1920s; African American history is reflected in the volume of
  information compiled by the Mays family, who are thought to be the
  town's first African American residents; in addition, vintage
  yearbooks, old photographs, and other memorabilia chronicle life in
  the 20th century; and
         WHEREAS, Citizens of Robstown take great pride in their
  community, and this noteworthy museum holds many treasured
  artifacts that serve to inform and enlighten residents and visitors
  alike about the city's fascinating history; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the Robstown Area Historical Museum and
  extend to all those associated with the institution sincere best
  wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the museum as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.