84R7294 WG-D
  By: King of Hemphill H.R. No. 1585
         WHEREAS, The Levelland High School girls' basketball team
  enjoyed an exceptional 2014-2015 season, claiming the district
  title and advancing to the regional semifinals of the University
  Interscholastic League 4A playoffs; and
         WHEREAS, Levelland High won each of its 10 games in league
  competition to clinch the District 2-4A crown; the team's thrilling
  run through the postseason began with a dominating 84-37 victory
  over Perryton High School, and the Loboettes went on to soundly
  defeat the squad from Andrews High to secure the area championship;
         WHEREAS, In the regional quarterfinals, Levelland fell
  behind by 18 points in the second quarter to Greenwood High School
  before an impressive burst of offense in the second half propelled
  the Loboettes to a double-digit lead; these determined players then
  secured the game at the free throw line, netting 11 of 14 attempts
  in the fourth quarter to capture a 72-62 win; that triumph earned
  the Levelland players a trip to the regional semifinals, where they
  turned in a valiant effort but saw their season come to an end in a
  loss to Wylie High School; and
         WHEREAS, Ably guided by head coach Clay Barnett and assistant
  coaches Trevor Tucek and Sarah Dormier, the Loboettes benefited
  from the vital contributions made throughout the season by each
  member of the team: Sujei Cera, Paige Royal, Gabie Ruiz, Courtney
  Villanueva, Lindsey Sharp, Paris McCoy, Peyton Himango, Maeci
  Scott, Elizabeth Cera, Faith Garza, and Haylee Jackson; and
         WHEREAS, The members of the Levelland Loboettes basketball
  squad have become a source of tremendous pride to their many
  supporters in the local community, and the teamwork and dedication
  they have demonstrated on the court will continue to serve them well
  in the years to come; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Levelland High School girls'
  basketball team on its successful 2014-2015 season and extend to
  the team's players, coaches, and staff sincere best wishes for the
  future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the team as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.