84R16507 KSM-D
  By: Metcalf H.R. No. 1607
         WHEREAS, Members of the Montgomery County Republican Women,
  North Shore Republican Women, Lake Conroe Area Republican Women,
  East Montgomery County Republican Women, and The Woodlands
  Republican Women are gathering in Austin on April 16, 2015, to
  celebrate the Federation of Republican Women Legislative Day at the
  Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas Federation of Republican Women was
  established in San Antonio in October 1955; with more than 300
  delegates present, the organizing convention was led by Mrs.
  Malcolm Milburn, and it resulted in the election of Mrs. R. D.
  O'Callaghan as the first president; in the nearly six decades since
  its inception, the organization's membership has grown to include
  more than 11,000 participants in 163 chapters throughout Texas; and
         WHEREAS, With the goals of educating women on the political
  process, electing Republican candidates, and encouraging women to
  run for office, TFRW produces quarterly publications and hosts
  regular meetings that cover such issues as health, crime, and the
  economy; the organization also works closely with the Republican
  Party to train volunteers and provide support for local and
  statewide campaigns; and
         WHEREAS, This notable organization embodies a spirit of
  public engagement, and its members may indeed reflect with great
  pride on the exemplary model of citizenship they have set for their
  fellow Texans; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the members of the Montgomery County
  Republican Women, North Shore Republican Women, Lake Conroe Area
  Republican Women, East Montgomery County Republican Women, and The
  Woodlands Republican Women for their civic participation and extend
  to them sincere best wishes for an informative and enjoyable stay in