84R15218 BK-D
  By: Naishtat H.R. No. 1610
         WHEREAS, Each year, hundreds of thousands of American
  families and individuals face homelessness or the prospect of
  losing their homes; and
         WHEREAS, A homeless person is generally defined as an
  individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime
  residence, or whose primary nighttime residence is a public or
  private place not designed for regular sleeping accommodation; and
         WHEREAS, While it is impossible to measure the rate of
  homelessness with perfect accuracy, the Texas Homeless Network
  estimates that close to 60,000 Texans experience homelessness on
  any given day and that more than 2,200 of these people are youths;
         WHEREAS, A significant number of these Texans defy the
  commonly held stereotype of the homeless; according to a 2013
  point-in-time count, families represent 30 percent of the state's
  homeless population, and 2.4 percent of the homeless are
  unaccompanied minors; children who lack safe and permanent housing
  often suffer from health and emotional problems as well as impeded
  academic progress, with fewer than one in four graduating from high
  school; and
         WHEREAS, The State of Texas is home to a great number of
  charities, government agencies, businesses, and advocacy groups
  that are committed to serving homeless populations and developing
  solutions to prevent and reduce homelessness in our communities;
         WHEREAS, To that end, advocates from across the state are
  gathering in Austin on April 2, 2015, to observe Homelessness
  Awareness Day at the State Capitol; this occasion presents an
  opportunity to promote greater understanding of issues facing
  homeless individuals and to foster solidarity in statewide
  endeavors to end homelessness, a problem with implications for the
  future of our society that cannot be overstated; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize April 2, 2015, as Homelessness
  Awareness Day and commend all those endeavoring to aid the homeless
  for their important work.