H.R. No. 1719
         WHEREAS, Dallas County Health and Human Services deserves
  special recognition for its performance during the nation's first
  Ebola outbreak in October 2014; and
         WHEREAS, Before the crisis, DCHHS had prepared thoroughly for
  such an incident; the agency had previously dealt with health
  emergencies caused by West Nile virus, the H1N1 virus, and
  tuberculosis, and it had conducted routine drills in anticipation
  of other major illness outbreaks; and
         WHEREAS, Once a case of Ebola was confirmed in Dallas, the
  agency's personnel undertook numerous tasks to control the crisis,
  among them clinical assessments, lab testing, contact tracing,
  public education, and resource support; nurses in the Communicable
  Disease Division monitored passengers who had traveled on the same
  flights as an Ebola patient, and DCHHS employees fielded calls from
  concerned residents and inquiries from as far away as Bahrain; in
  addition, the agency quickly provided translations of fact sheets
  in 10 languages to ensure that area residents had access to crucial
  information; and
         WHEREAS, Throughout the month of October, DCHHS employees
  worked around the clock to identify and monitor the contacts of new
  Ebola cases; the county was deemed free of Ebola on November 7,
  2014, but while DCHHS returned to normal operations, it continued
  its efforts to prevent another outbreak, monitoring more than 30
  individuals who had traveled from West Africa; and
         WHEREAS, The staff of Dallas County Health and Human Services
  demonstrated skill, professionalism, and dedication during a
  frightening medical crisis, and its proven ability to protect
  public health is a source of tremendous reassurance to area
  citizens; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Dallas County Health and Human Services
  for its response to the October 2014 Ebola outbreak and extend to
  all members of the staff sincere best wishes for continued success
  in their vital endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the agency as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.
  Davis of Dallas
Straus González Paddie
Allen Guerra Parker
Alonzo Guillen Paul
Alvarado Gutierrez Peña
Anchia Harless Phelan
Anderson of Dallas Hernandez Phillips
Anderson of McLennan Herrero Pickett
Ashby Howard Price
Aycock Huberty Raney
Bell Hughes Raymond
Bernal Hunter Reynolds
Blanco Isaac Riddle
Bohac Israel Rinaldi
Bonnen of Brazoria Johnson Rodriguez of Bexar
Bonnen of Galveston Kacal Rodriguez of Travis
Burkett Keffer Romero, Jr.
Burns Keough Rose
Burrows King of Hemphill Sanford
Button King of Parker Schaefer
Canales King of Taylor Schofield
Capriglione King of Uvalde Schubert
Clardy Klick Shaheen
Coleman Koop Sheets
Collier Krause Sheffield
Cook Kuempel Simmons
Craddick Landgraf Simpson
Crownover Larson Smith
Cyrier Laubenberg Smithee
Dale Leach Spitzer
Darby Longoria Springer
Davis of Dallas Lozano Stephenson
Davis of Harris Lucio III Stickland
Deshotel Márquez Thompson of Brazoria
Dukes Martinez Thompson of Harris
Dutton Martinez Fischer Tinderholt
Elkins McClendon Turner of Collin
Faircloth Metcalf Turner of Harris
Fallon Meyer Turner of Tarrant
Farias Miles VanDeaver
Farney Miller of Comal Villalba
Farrar Miller of Fort Bend Vo
Fletcher Moody Walle
Flynn Morrison White of Bell
Frank Muñoz, Jr. White of Tyler
Frullo Murphy Workman
Galindo Murr Wray
Geren Naishtat Wu
Giddings Nevárez Zedler
Goldman Oliveira Zerwas
Gonzales Otto
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1719 was adopted by the House on April
  8, 2015, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House