H.R. No. 1761
         WHEREAS, Marie Borland Rinewalt of Dawson County celebrated
  her 90th birthday on March 21, 2015, and a host of her friends and
  admirers gathered to extend to her their congratulations and best
  wishes; and
         WHEREAS, Born on March 21, 1925, the former Marie Borland
  grew up on a cotton farm in Tom Green County; in 1938, her father
  could no longer afford to pay farmhands to help with the harvest,
  and the Borland family moved to Dawson County, where they settled on
  land west of Lamesa; from an early age, Mrs. Rinewalt helped out in
  the house and on the farm as they raised cows, chickens, and hogs;
         WHEREAS, In her junior year of high school, she accepted an
  invitation from her future husband, William Rinewalt, to a
  Halloween church party; in December 1942, Mr. Rinewalt was drafted,
  and he served his country in the Pacific theater during World War
  II, earning a Bronze Star; and
         WHEREAS, The couple married on April 2, 1946, in the Church of
  Christ parsonage, with Mrs. Rinewalt's sister, Betty, as a witness;
  they went on to share a richly rewarding union, farming and raising
  cattle together for 62 years, until Mr. Rinewalt's passing in 2008;
         WHEREAS, In her leisure time, Mrs. Rinewalt has enjoyed
  tending her garden, crocheting, and sewing; she remains active,
  riding her stationary bicycle for five miles each morning, and
  attends services and community events at the Lamesa Church of
  Christ; and
         WHEREAS, Marie Rinewalt has witnessed a panorama of change
  over the course of nine decades, and she has met life's challenges
  and opportunities with dignity and grace, earning the deep
  admiration of all who are privileged to know her; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Marie Borland Rinewalt on her 90th
  birthday and extend to her sincere best wishes for the future; and,
  be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mrs. Rinewalt as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1761 was adopted by the House on May
  7, 2015, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House