84R19059 KSM-D
  By: Márquez H.R. No. 1890
         WHEREAS, Dr. Patrick Mitchell was nominated by the El Paso
  Academy of General Dentistry for the Texas Academy of General
  Dentistry 2014 Dentist of the Year Award, and this presents a
  welcome opportunity to recognize the accomplishments of this
  esteemed Texan; and
         WHEREAS, One of only 20 dentists nominated for the 2014
  Dentist of the Year Award, which is the most prestigious accolade
  given by the TAGD, Dr. Mitchell was among those honored at the
  academy's annual Lone Star Dental Conference in Austin on September
  28; and
         WHEREAS, Demonstrating a commitment to excellence in his
  vocation, Dr. Mitchell is a fellow of the Academy of General
  Dentistry and the American Society of Dentistry for Children; he is
  also a member of the American Dental Association, the American
  Orthodontic Society, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry,
  and the El Paso District Dental Society, and he is president of the
  El Paso AGD; additionally, he has helped educate students and
  health administrators at local schools about good dental hygiene,
  and he has delivered lectures to others in his profession at various
  leadership seminars; and
         WHEREAS, Dr. Mitchell attended Burges High School in El Paso
  and went on to study at Tyler Junior College and The University of
  Texas at El Paso; he graduated from The University of Texas Dental
  School at San Antonio in 1990 and established his own practice in El
  Paso; and
         WHEREAS, In all his endeavors, Dr. Mitchell has the love and
  support of his wife, Lauren, and he is the proud father of six
  children, Jason, Nate, Amanda, Andrew, Melissa, and Walter; an
  enthusiastic outdoorsman, he serves as the scoutmaster for Troop
  No. 27, and he enjoys myriad activities, including camping,
  mountain climbing, and skiing; and
         WHEREAS, Dr. Patrick Mitchell continues to distinguish
  himself through his outstanding dedication to his patients and his
  professional community, and he is held in high regard by all who are
  fortunate enough to know him; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Dr. Patrick Mitchell on his
  nomination for the 2014 Dentist of the Year Award presented by the
  Texas Academy of General Dentistry and extend to him sincere best
  wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Dr. Mitchell as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.