84R16290 BK-D
  By: Peña H.R. No. 1902
         WHEREAS, The prevention of crime plays a vital role in
  ensuring the safety of citizens and communities, and Tina Taylor is
  to be commended for her outstanding work as a crime prevention
  officer for the Deer Park Police Department; and
         WHEREAS, A member of the department since 1996, Officer
  Taylor spent three years as a detective before she was named to her
  current position in 2012; since that time, she has contributed
  greatly to the crime prevention efforts of the Deer Park Police
  Department, and she has shared her expertise with departments
  across the state in an effort to raise awareness and reduce the
  incidence of identity fraud, automobile theft, crimes against
  seniors, and other offenses; and
         WHEREAS, Officer Taylor has established and expanded several
  noteworthy programs, including a vacation safety school for
  children and an initiative that adapts the concept of a
  neighborhood watch to the business community; in addition, she has
  produced award-winning public service announcements that cover
  topics ranging from burglary prevention to human trafficking; and
         WHEREAS, This respected professional has received
  well-deserved recognition from her peers, and she was selected as
  Officer of the Year by the Texas Crime Prevention Association; she
  has also accepted the Small Department of the Year award on the Deer
  Park PD's behalf as well as an Outstanding Media award; and
         WHEREAS, Officer Tina Taylor has set an inspiring example of
  leadership and resourcefulness for her colleagues in the law
  enforcement profession, and her contributions are having a positive
  and far-reaching effect on communities across the Lone Star State;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Officer Tina Taylor for her leadership and
  dedication to protecting the lives and property of her fellow
  citizens and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued
  success with her important work; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Officer Taylor as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.