84R18488 KSM-D
  By: Reynolds H.R. No. 1936
         WHEREAS, Alice Aanstoos of Missouri City retired from AT&T on
  March 31, 2015, after 34 years of outstanding service, and this
  event provides a welcome opportunity to take note of the
  achievements of this esteemed professional; and
         WHEREAS, In her role as regional vice president of external
  affairs for AT&T, Ms. Aanstoos was responsible for directing
  community activities, state and local lobbying efforts, and
  charitable contributions in Houston and South Texas; over the
  course of her career, she managed every aspect of public affairs,
  and she has held leadership positions with the company in Missouri,
  Kansas, and Texas; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Aanstoos has also been involved with numerous
  worthy community organizations; she currently serves as the chair
  of the board of the Greater Houston American Red Cross, and she is a
  member of the University of Houston Hobby Center for Public Policy
  Advisory Board, among others; and
         WHEREAS, For her myriad efforts to better her region,
  Ms. Aanstoos has been recognized with a number of volunteer awards,
  and she has been nationally honored with the Distinguished
  Leadership Award from the Community Leadership Association; in
  2006, she was named one of Leadership Houston's 25 most
  distinguished graduates; and
         WHEREAS, After earning a bachelor's degree in journalism from
  The University of Texas at Austin, Ms. Aanstoos went on to graduate
  from the University of Houston's Center for Executive Development
  program in the School of Business; additionally, she is an American
  Leadership Forum Senior Fellow and an alumna of the FBI Citizens
  Academy; and
         WHEREAS, Through her dedication, professionalism, and
  commitment to excellence, Alice Aanstoos has greatly benefited the
  citizens of Houston and the surrounding area, and she may indeed
  reflect with pride on a career well spent as she embarks on the next
  exciting chapter of her life; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Alice Aanstoos on her retirement
  from AT&T and extend to her sincere best wishes for the future; and,
  be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Aanstoos as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.