84R24712 BPG-F
  By: White of Bell H.R. No. 2194
         WHEREAS, For millennia, people of Indigenous Nations, the
  more than 200 Native American groups that populated what is now
  central and southern Texas and northeastern Mexico before the
  arrival of the first Europeans, have been good stewards, honoring
  and protecting this cherished land, including Texas; and
         WHEREAS, Indigenous People are very spiritual, with a deep
  and abiding belief in a Creator, and have maintained a powerful
  spiritual connection to the land for centuries; and
         WHEREAS, While struggling for survival since the arrival of
  Europeans in North America, the Indigenous People have remained
  resilient, determined to protect the lands of their heritage and to
  preserve their unique cultural identities and transmit them to
  future generations; and
         WHEREAS, The Indigenous People have created and maintained
  the Indigenous Cultures Institute in San Marcos to study and
  catalog the changes and alterations to the Indigenous People's
  culture "by their systematic removal from their historic lands; [in
  which] families were separated and entire tribes were purged; [and]
  the buffalo herds, which the people held sacred and which had
  sustained their culture for centuries, were destroyed"; the
  institute also strives to maintain their covenant with sacred
  sites by partnering with local community organizations and support
  groups that are dedicated to preserving the natural environment of
  sites that Indigenous People consider sacred; and
         WHEREAS, The Indigenous People remain steadfast in their
  traditional commitment to protect this great land; additionally,
  they continue to serve honorably, with distinction, in the military
  forces of the United States; and
         WHEREAS, A group representing the Indigenous Cultures
  Institute and the Indigenous People, comprising more than 200
  Native American groups, is visiting the Capitol today, and it is
  appropriate to take this opportunity to welcome them; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby welcome the members of the Indigenous Nations
  and the Indigenous Cultures Institute on their visit to the Capitol
  and offer its appreciation for their dedication to the research and
  preservation of the culture, arts, traditions, ceremonies, and
  languages of this population, collectively known as Coahuiltecans,
  and their contributions to the state and nation in preserving the
  natural environment of sites in Texas that Indigenous People
  consider sacred; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the group as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.