84R23359 BPG-D
  By: Anderson of McLennan H.R. No. 2235
         WHEREAS, The Baylor University community was deeply saddened
  by the passing of Mary Wilson Russell McCall on November 13, 2014,
  at the age of 95; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Chillicothe on October 7, 1919, the former
  Mary Wilson was the daughter of Dora and Quincy Wilson; she
  graduated from Vernon High School and enrolled in Baylor University
  at the age of 16; following her marriage to Lloyd Russell, she
  completed her bachelor's degree at North Texas State University,
  and she taught at that institution during World War II while her
  husband served in the U.S. Navy; Dr. Russell subsequently became a
  department chair at Baylor and the couple returned to Waco; and
         WHEREAS, She was employed as a teacher and counselor in Waco
  public schools and earned her master's degree from Baylor; after
  the untimely death of Dr. Russell in 1968, she was fortunate enough
  to find love a second time with Dr. Abner McCall, the president and
  chancellor of Baylor; they married on Christmas Day in 1970, and she
  fully embraced the role of first lady of the institution; and
         WHEREAS, Committed to expanding access to higher education,
  Mrs. McCall served as president of the Baylor Round Table and led
  the creation of its scholarship fund; she was instrumental in the
  establishment of the Lloyd O. Russell Memorial Scholarship Fund and
  the Abner V. and Mary McCall Scholarship Fund; in addition, she was
  a charter member of the President's Club and the Endowed
  Scholarship Society, and she was co-president of the Heritage Club;
  also benefiting her sorority, she served as an advisor to the Kappa
  Kappa Gamma chapter; and
         WHEREAS, Mrs. McCall designed and supervised the building of
  the president's home, and she was chair of the wives' organization
  of the Southern Association of Baptist Colleges and Universities;
  she enjoyed getting to know the other presidents and their spouses,
  but she took the greatest pleasure in making Baylor a warm and
  welcoming place; over the years, she helped students cook dinners
  to impress their girlfriends, located elusive homecoming game
  tickets for their dates, and graciously opened her home to hundreds
  of people; and
         WHEREAS, The university recognized Mrs. McCall with one of
  its highest honors, the Founders Award, and she received the W. R.
  White Meritorious Service Award from the Baylor University Alumni
  Association; she was named a Yellow Rose of Texas by then-governor
  George W. Bush, and her two daughters, Linda Letbetter and Nancy
  Chapman, donated the Mary McCall Chapel of the Baylor Panhellenic
  Building in her honor; and
         WHEREAS, Benefiting the wider community as well, Mrs. McCall
  was a member of the Historic Waco Foundation, the Brazos Forum, the
  Thursday Study Club, and the Waco Literary Club; moreover, she was a
  trustee of the First Baptist Church of Waco, and she taught Sunday
  school, took part in missions, and delivered Meals on Wheels; and
         WHEREAS, In 1995, Dr. McCall died, and eight years later,
  Mrs. McCall moved to the Edgemere Retirement Community in Dallas;
  she served on its board, and she joined Park Cities Baptist Church
  and served as president of both her Sunday school class and the
  Variety Book Club; she was also a sustaining member of the Baylor
  University Women's Council of Dallas, which recognized her with its
  Woman of Distinction Award, and she belonged to the Ermance Book
  Club of Dallas; and
         WHEREAS, Mary McCall made a lasting, positive impact on
  Baylor University through her vision, leadership, and dedication,
  and although she is profoundly missed by her loved ones, she left a
  legacy that they can remember with pride; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Mary Wilson Russell
  McCall and extend sincere condolences to her family and friends;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Mary