84R23345 KSM-D
  By: Anderson of McLennan H.R. No. 2275
         WHEREAS, Five vocalists from Midway High School in Waco were
  chosen as 2015 Texas All-State Choir members by the Texas Music
  Educators Association; and
         WHEREAS, The TMEA All-State designation is the highest
  accolade that a Texas music student can earn; more than 60,000 young
  people from across the state compete each year for a place in one of
  15 All-State bands, orchestras, and choirs; those who are selected
  for one of the ensembles are among the top one percent of high
  school musicians in the Lone Star State and are invited to attend
  the annual TMEA convention in San Antonio, where they participate
  in three days of intense rehearsals and perform a concert under the
  direction of a nationally recognized conductor; and
         WHEREAS, Those students named as 2015 All-State Choir members
  from Midway High School are seniors Abby Bennett and Elaine Sury,
  juniors Isaac Bradley and Christopher Curry, and sophomore Brittany
  Brewer; guided by choir directors Jeff and Jannifer Rice and
  private voice instructors David Guess and Julianne Best, these
  students demonstrated exceptional musicianship and technical
  facility throughout the audition process; and
         WHEREAS, Through countless hours of preparation and an
  unwavering commitment to excellence, these gifted young Texans have
  earned a place among the state's elite high school choral members,
  and they may indeed take great pride in their outstanding
  achievement; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Abby Bennett, Isaac Bradley,
  Brittany Brewer, Christopher Curry, and Elaine Sury on their
  selection as 2015 Texas All-State Choir members and extend to them
  sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared
  for the vocalists as an expression of high regard by the Texas House
  of Representatives.