84R25261 JGH-D
  By: Ashby H.R. No. 2489
         WHEREAS, Petty Officer Jordan Wagstaff of the U.S. Coast
  Guard is an outstanding young Texan who is paying tribute to fallen
  heroes while contributing to a worthy cause by participating in the
  first annual Tunnel to Towers Tower Climb in New York City on May
  17, 2015; and
         WHEREAS, Sponsored by the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers
  Foundation and the Captain Billy Burke Foundation, this unique
  athletic event honors the memory of two New York City firefighters
  who lost their lives in the collapse of the Twin Towers on September
  11, 2001; on that fateful day, Stephen Siller of Squad 1 in Park
  Slope, Brooklyn, was off-duty when he responded without hesitation
  to help those in need at the World Trade Center, running with over
  60 pounds of gear through a blocked-off tunnel to the site of the
  disaster; Captain William Burke led and encouraged his fellow
  firefighters on their climb, calling out his support to them even as
  he remained behind to rescue two workers when the second building
  collapsed; and
         WHEREAS, During the Tunnel to Tower competition, 1,000
  participants will reenact that heroic effort as they climb 90
  floors, or 180 flights of stairs, in One World Trade Center, the new
  skyscraper built on the site of the original World Trade Center; the
  climb's participants will also raise money for such worthy causes
  as building 200 new homes for disabled veterans, supporting service
  members with catastrophic injuries, and funding the education of
  children who have lost a parent; and
         WHEREAS, The son of James and Charlotte Wagstaff, Jordan
  Wagstaff was born in Nacogdoches on February 11, 1987, and attended
  Lufkin High School; answering his nation's call to duty, he
  arranged to graduate early so that he could join the U.S. Coast
  Guard in 2005; he is stationed in New York City as a duty section
  leader for the Ports, Waterways, and Coastal Security unit, a
  counterterrorism effort devoted to protecting critical maritime
  infrastructure as well as the Statue of Liberty, the George
  Washington Bridge, and other important sites; and
         WHEREAS, Petty Officer Wagstaff has long dedicated himself to
  the defense of our nation, and his involvement in this
  inspirational athletic competition provides a meaningful way to
  further honor the memory of two brave Americans who gave their lives
  in the service of others; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Jordan
  Wagstaff on his participation in the first annual Tunnel to Towers
  Tower Climb and recognize him for his exemplary service; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Petty Officer Wagstaff as an expression of high regard
  by the Texas House of Representatives.