84R26702 JGH-D
  By: Moody H.R. No. 2491
         WHEREAS, For the first time, the Texas Science, Technology,
  Engineering and Mathematics Initiative is joining with schools in
  El Paso to observe STEM Education Week from May 4 to 10, 2015; and
         WHEREAS, T-STEM is a public-private initiative of academies,
  professional development centers, and networks that work together
  to empower teachers and inspire students to improve instruction and
  academic performance in classes devoted to science and mathematics;
         WHEREAS, The Texas Education Agency has designated 91 schools
  in the state as T-STEM campuses; in the El Paso area, these
  institutions include the Clint High School STEM Academy, Da Vinci
  School for Science and the Arts, Harmony School of Innovation,
  Harmony Science Academy, Irvin T-STEM Academy, Montwood High
  School, Transmountain T-STEM/ECHS Academy, and T-STEM Academy at
  Parkland High School; STEM schools' objectives include increasing
  the number of students pursuing college studies and careers in STEM
  fields and fostering strong leadership in support of school
  redesign efforts, the recruitment of expert teachers, and improved
  teacher preparation; and
         WHEREAS, During STEM Education Week, schools in El Paso are
  joining with The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso Community
  College, Western Technical College, Region 19 Education Service
  Center, the El Paso STEM Foundation, Western Refining,
  Transformation Central, and the El Paso Cosmetic Surgery Group to
  organize a STEM Fair; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas economy of the 21st century is
  increasingly reliant on a workforce skilled in science, technology,
  engineering, and math, and it is a pleasure to commend T-STEM
  schools in the El Paso area for their support of this vital
  curricula; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize May 4 through 10, 2015, as Texas STEM
  Education Week in El Paso and extend to sponsors and participants
  sincere best wishes for a successful event.