84R28455 BK-D
  By: Tinderholt H.R. No. 2645
         WHEREAS, Demonstrating great courage and devotion to duty,
  Officer Kristi Johnson of the Arlington Police Department aided in
  the rescue of a number of people from a fire at an apartment complex
  on May 5, 2015; and
         WHEREAS, Officer Johnson and another police officer were on
  the scene attending to an unrelated call when they smelled smoke
  emanating from a row of apartments, where a three-alarm fire had
  broken out; acting quickly, they ran into the apartments to alert
  the residents and usher them to safety; despite lacking any sort of
  protective or breathing gear, the officers went on to make multiple
  trips into the path of danger to ensure that every resident was
  evacuated; and
         WHEREAS, Thanks to the officers' heroic actions, everyone in
  the burning buildings escaped unharmed, including an infant;
  Officer Johnson and her partner were treated for smoke inhalation
  at a local hospital and ultimately released; and
         WHEREAS, In risking her own life to save the lives of others,
  Officer Kristi Johnson embodied the highest ideals of the law
  enforcement profession, and she is indeed deserving of our esteem
  and gratitude for her steadfast bravery; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Officer Kristi Johnson for her act of
  valor in rescuing a group of fellow citizens from a fire and extend
  to her sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Officer Johnson as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.