84R26591 RMA-D
  By: Anderson of McLennan H.R. No. 2691
         WHEREAS, William A. Mitchell, a retired colonel in the U.S.
  Air Force and a professor emeritus at Baylor University, has long
  devoted his talents and energies to work with a higher purpose; and
         WHEREAS, Determined as a teenager to enlist in the military,
  even though he was underage at the time, Bill Mitchell fabricated a
  new birth certificate for himself and joined the 36th Infantry
  Division of the Texas National Guard in Clifton; as soon as he
  completed the six months' training required to go on active duty, he
  enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and served at Lackland and Travis Air
  Force Bases before being stationed overseas at Wheelus Air Base in
  Tripoli, Libya; and
         WHEREAS, Reassigned to Turkey in 1959, Dr. Mitchell later
  completed a tour of duty in Vietnam, where he served as a civic
  actions officer and flew missions in support of the army's Project
  CHECO, analyzing and reporting on enemy attacks on Mekong River
  convoys; during subsequent assignments in Turkey, he commanded the
  Incirlik Air Base and the 724th Air Base Group at Izmir during the
  Gulf War; and
         WHEREAS, Dr. Mitchell retired from the air force at the rank
  of colonel, following a career that took him to 30 countries over a
  span of 34 years; he is the recipient of numerous military awards,
  including the Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster, the Bronze Star
  Medal, and the Meritorious Service Medal; and
         WHEREAS, This esteemed Texan holds a bachelor's degree from
  East Texas State University, a master's degree from the University
  of California, Los Angeles, and a doctorate from the University of
  Illinois; he has taught at the Air Force Academy and the Air War
  College, and following his return to civilian life, he served for 20
  years on the faculty at Baylor University, where he held the Jo
  Murphy Chair in International Education; during his tenure at
  Baylor, he established a study abroad program in Turkey and helped
  to create the Center for Democracy at the University of Dohuk in
  Iraq; a political scientist who works in the area of international
  affairs, Dr. Mitchell has focused much of his research on Turkey,
  where he lived for 10 years, and has more recently studied the
  impact of colonialism in Francophone West Africa; he has published
  widely on such topics as water management and disaster mitigation,
  and he is currently at work on his third book; and
         WHEREAS, Throughout his career, Bill Mitchell has been
  blessed with the love and support of his wife, the former Joan
  Woodill; and
         WHEREAS, Having made significant contributions in the course
  of both his military and academic careers, William Mitchell remains
  engaged in efforts to advance the causes of intercultural
  understanding, democracy, and the well-being of peoples around the
  world; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Dr. William A. Mitchell for his exemplary
  service in behalf of his country and its highest values and extend
  to him sincere best wishes for continued success in all his
  endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Dr. Mitchell as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.