H.R. No. 2704
         WHEREAS, Proud residents of Caldwell County are gathering in
  Austin on May 13, 2015, to celebrate Caldwell County Day at the
  State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, Caldwell County was formed in 1848 out of territory
  from Bastrop and Gonzales Counties and is named for Mathew
  Caldwell, a signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence; and
         WHEREAS, For many years, the county's economy was based on
  agriculture; thousands of cattle were driven north on the Chisholm
  Trail and on other trails that passed through the county, and cotton
  became a major crop in the 1890s, after A. D. Mebane developed
  strains of cotton that could flourish in less fertile soils; and
         WHEREAS, The 1922 discovery of oil in the Luling and Prairie
  Lea area served to diversify the county's economy; today, the
  production of oil and gas remains a significant factor driving
  economic growth in the area, while farming, ranching, and
  manufacturing also figure in the county's economic profile; and
         WHEREAS, Caldwell County offers ample opportunity for
  outdoor recreation, notably at Lockhart State Park and along the
  San Marcos River; the county also features many buildings of
  architectural interest, among them a beautifully restored
  courthouse and what is believed to be the oldest unaltered
  Episcopal church in Texas; the attractive character of the county
  has drawn the attention of moviemakers, and numerous films have
  been shot on location there, including Bernie, Temple Grandin, and
  Secondhand Lions; furthermore, Lockhart has earned recognition as
  the Barbecue Capital of Texas, and Luling hosts the Watermelon
  Thump, a popular annual festival complete with a rodeo, a
  seed-spitting contest, and the crowning of the Watermelon Thump
  Queen; and
         WHEREAS, Celebrating their rich and colorful history as they
  work together to build a bright future, the citizens of Caldwell
  County may take justifiable pride in the important role their
  unique region continues to play in the story of the Lone Star State;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize May 13, 2015, as Caldwell County Day
  at the State Capitol and extend to the visiting delegation sincere
  best wishes for an informative and enjoyable stay in Austin.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 2704 was adopted by the House on May
  13, 2015, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House