84R27137 JGH-D
  By: White of Tyler H.R. No. 2713
         WHEREAS, A team of first responders from the Lake Rayburn
  Fire Department played an important role in the water rescue of a
  fellow Texan in Jasper County on April 27, 2015; and
         WHEREAS, Heavy rains early that morning had caused Mill Creek
  to overflow its banks, covering a county road with water; when a
  local resident tried to drive through the water in her pickup truck,
  the current forced her vehicle into the creek, where she was
  trapped; and
         WHEREAS, At 11:30 a.m., a deputy of the Jasper County
  Sheriff's Department came across the partially submerged vehicle
  and realized that someone was inside it, and he summoned
  assistance; Sheriff Mitchel Newman and the team from the Lake
  Rayburn Fire Department arrived as a result of his call, and they
  worked together to quickly and efficiently break the truck's
  window, pull the driver out, and escort her through the water to
  safety; and
         WHEREAS, The dedicated members of the Lake Rayburn Fire
  Department who contributed to the rescue include Brett Holloway,
  Brittainy Lendo, Ed O'Brien, Bruce Tilley, Randy Bridges, Kevin
  Holloway, Desiree Holley, Nuke Newcomb, Krista Krone, Jeff
  Dougherty, Cade Lemoine, Jeremy Cochran, Colin Randolph, Chris
  Lendo, April Lendo, and Ashley Hargrove; and
         WHEREAS, Thanks to the swift and coordinated action of the
  Lake Rayburn Fire Department and the members of the sheriff's
  department, a woman was rescued from desperate circumstances, and a
  potential tragedy was narrowly averted; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the members of the Lake Rayburn Fire
  Department for helping to rescue a citizen in need and extend to
  them sincere best wishes for continued success with their important
  work; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Lake Rayburn Fire Department as an expression of
  high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.